Look into the college before you make your decision, visit if you can, ask students and alumni about the college, try and found out the most you can about it. meet people as soon as you get settled don't stay stuck in your room get out the and have fun, get to know people from different places and be friendly, be honest with yourself and other about what you want and like. don't be a "doormat" but also don't start fights try and avoid them if you can. for parents help you children out the best you can, be encouraging and supportative of your children choice. it is so much harder to succeed when you don't have the support of your parents.
I would advise the students to balance their social life and studying very carefully. It's important to make friends and have a pleasant time at your new school, however you are there to learn. Falling behind in classes is a difficult struggle for students to face, especially freshman. I would also tell them that they should never feel pressured to participate in anything that makes them feel uncomfortable. It's important to stand up for what you believe in and not fall into tempation.
I would tell the parents that what is very crucial for their child's success in college is to be supportive but at the same time, give them space. Students are going to have to learn to be on their own and make their own mistakes. Parents should always be there for their students when they are needed, but not smothering them hundreds of questions and concerns their first year at school.
Find the right program and college degree that you will want to work full time for most of your life. Furthermore, being able to find a job after graduation during this difficult time.
When I began looking for a college, I was very overwhelmed. I was not sure what I wanted to do with my life, and I thought that picking a school from the thousands available to choose from would be nearly impossible. However, I realized as I went along that the most important thing to focus on was what school best represented my values. Most schools provide direction for students who are undecided about their career goals; however, the universities across this nation all have unique mission statements which provide the basis for how their programs are carried out. Because of this realization, I chose Liberty University as the school which would best undergird my values and direct me in using my God-given talents and abilities to make an impact on this world. My advice for parents and prospective students would be to search deeply into the underlying purpose of each college or university considered. If a student is not settled on a life path, send them to a school where they can grow. If a student is certain about their career, send them to a place that demands excellence in that field, so they may become excellent as well.
A piece of advice I would give to students would be to really look for a college that has everything YOU enjoy and want to have the opportunity to enjoy. Don't follow the crowd or choose somewhere because you have alot of friends there or because it's a party school known for fun, etc. I guarantee that you will have an awesome college experience at any school you choose to attend so long as you make the most of your time their and are extraverted. If you select an institution that provides the opportunities and you desire and you are outgoing and ambitious while you're there it will be one of the best times of your life! It is what you make it.
When searching for the right college or University make sure it's a sound and credited school. However, make sure the school is not what the parents want but, what you want. Make sure the schools has a diversity in learning and not one sided. Tried to learn all you can and not so much focused on partying and hanging out on the weekends. Keep focused on what's important in life. However, enjoyed your college experience and remember life is short and the next day is not promised to you. Keep your mind opened and fresh for new ideals and keep God first in all things you do. Furthermore, parents talk to your kids don't force them to see things your way. Parents understand and communicate with your kids and tell them about your life experiences in college and the things you done, so they know that you been there and done that. However, students it's very important that you be honest with yourself and realized that education is not cheap and some children in third world countries would do anything to have a first class education. Remember America is an awe-inspiring country to live in.
Seek the colledge that fits with your own personal criteria. Apply yourself 100 percent and receive with gratitude every thing that the college has to offer the students for success and self development.
I would advise students and parents to start early in searching for college that the student might be interested in. I would also suggest that the student apply to some colleges that may be of interest but are not really sure about. Visiting the schools is a must to experience the ways of the schools. A great option is to spend the weekend at the school. The student will get a feel for life on campus as well as attending classes on a Friday. The student will also benefit by asking current students about the program they are interested in. This is a huge step in finding the right college. Students and parents can talk to an admissions counselor; however, that information usually is bias. When the students talk with current students they get the "real deal" and the ins and outs of that particular college. To make the most out of the college experience, I would suggest doing as many activities as one can while being able to handle their academics. Intramural sports is a great way to stay fit, socialize with other students, take a break from school work, and enjoy the ex[erience all around.
Go and see the campus and look around see how the students act. Interview the staff, talk to an instructor, also if there is any clubs makes sure they are and oking drugs or alcohol.