The first piece of advice I would give myself is to acquire as many college credits as possible at a community college before going to a university. It saves a lot of money and prepares you for the difficulty and stresses of having a college workload. It is invaluable to have experience in college level courses, so that once you transfer to a university you are not as shocked with the workload while you are faced with the equally formidable challenge of adjusting to college life in a dorm, where distractions abound. Also, by transferring from a community college you will be a higher classman when you arrive at a university, giving you more advantages and enabling you to skip the freshman introductory courses.
The second piece of advice that I would give myself is to make as many friends as possible as soon as possible. It really helps you through your courses when you have friends that you can have fun with and confide in at the end of the school day. You only have this experience once, and it is important to make the best of it with good friends and participation in school events and activities.
I would advise my senior self to spend way less time on social aspects and random extra curricular activities and focus on the academics. I would also advice myself to stop procrastinating. The habbits that you form in high school will definitely follow you and probably worsen when you get to college. Lastly, I would advise myself to save every penny that I earned.
I would tell myself to complete college while I was still young. It's much harder to go back after raising a family and try to be a student again!
Work on scholarships and understand how the school works before you get there. Check everywhere to make sure everything is ready to get going so it's not all rushed together the first couple days you are there. And finally, work to get some money for food.
I would give myself advice on how to deal with stress, time management, and girls. Coming from homeschooled environement the stress of dealing with many different people, and going to classes is different than learning at home. I would tell myself that PRaying and studying my Bible is one of the best ways to deal.
Time management would be up there as well, struggling in classes is due to time management and not staying on track with when test dates are due.
And I would teach myself how to deal with people, more girls in particular, teach myself that not every girl is interested indating myself.
If I could go back in time and give advice to myself on going off to college I would tell myself to relax. There is no reason to be nervous. Even though you might be going far away from home, you are about to enter the best part of your life so far. There are lots of other incoming freshman and all of them feel just like you. The upperclassmen and faculty are very helpful in helping incoming freshman adapt to the college life. At Liberty University there is always a lot going on and it is easy to get involved in whatever it is you want to do. Also I would tell myself to start practicing good study skills and to not slack off on my studies in the first semester of college. Once you dig yourself a whole it is hard to get out of it. All you need to do is balance out your time to study and your freetime. If you put effort into your studies right off the bat it will payoff and will save yourself a lot of stress and extra work getting your GPA back up. So start off strong!
Even though you desired to learn, at that time teachers and society were more about discipline instead of desiring to see the students make it, I would now say; it was best you hung in.
It was time of turmoil in American as a whole with drugs, sex and parties yet, we in society today are still trying to defeat the disciplinarian attitude so no matter what, you stay tolerant of people, extend your hands and open your mouth to encourage.
My advise for myself would be to enjoy every minute of high school and to not rush things, to not take any oportunities for granted because you never know where life's going to take you. "What you have today, you may not have tomorrow and what you don't have today tomorrow may come." Patience and perseverance, that's the key to succes.
I would tel myself to study harder and take more AP classes. I would tell myself to diversify myself by joining more clubs, instead of being a social outcast.
The advice I would have gave myself is once i begin school do everything in my power to keep me there being out of school for a semester i understand how important school is and compared to being a high school student and being a independent adult is a life change.Take the oppurtunity before steeping out on your own and see all the things parents have to worry about and realize being a kid and going to school is the easy part taking what you have learned and applying it is hardder than one may think.