Liberty University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Liberty University know before they start?


It is what you make it. Everyone who is there or is going to be is going through the same things they have felt simlar feelings be the one to step up and talk about them. Going away to college and living in a dorm is a very trying and growing experience I think eveyone shoudl do it.


Find the right college that fits into your life.


First of all, I would have to tell parents to step back while their child is deciding what college to attend. When kids are pressured on which school to choose they will usually go with what university makes their parents happy, but not them. It is not a good idea for a kid to spend four years, without family support, at a university they never really wanted to attend in the first place. Parents, be supportive of your child! They are going to college aren't they? You already did good! You got them to college. Let your son or daughter pick his or her major and what university they will be attending. This shows them you are supporting them and have faith in their abilities. Also, it as all possible, help out your child financially as much as possible! Students, you have to research well and VISIT your top choices! Once you get to the university for your first visit you will usually have "the feeling" that this is the right university for you. To make the most of your experience make sure you study well. Most of your friends will be in your major classes. HAVE FUN!


To the parents I would say, "Find a school that has a lot of the things your child likes to do and has the Major they are looking for. Not a Major close to what they are looking for, but The One they are looking for. " To the students I have only this to say, "Be yourself, no matter what school you go to. If you change just for the school, the kids around you, or your teachers you will be doing it for the rest of your life. Stand up for what you think, don't back down. Be yourself and no one else. Don't change because someone says you don't fit in or you are out of date! If you have a problem with it, then you shuld change it. But if you enjoy who you are stay that way. Don't give in to those around you. It's okay to stand out. Just be yourself."


I chose to attend Liberty University after spending a weekend there with other high school students during college for a weekend. The University offers CFAW (College For A Weekend) to current high school students. The program allows the high school students to stay in the university dorms with current college students and attend classes, concerts. and other special events with the college students. Most students knew if it was the place for them after the stay. The best way to make the most of a college experience is to take the time to visit the schools and learn as much as possible.


Make sure you find a college that is a good fit for you. Each college is unique so it is vital to find one that is tailored to fit your needs. Once you pick a college remember to enjoy every second of it! This is such an amazing period of your life that you cannot get back. You will grow and be stretched. You will experience different cultures and beliefs than you are used to. It is crucial that you treat everyone with respect even if you do not agree with what they believe. Make sure to keep your academics and social life balanced. It is important to do the best you can in all your classes, but be sure to make time to hang out with your friends too.


Students who are searching for the "right" college should research the college, go to it, meet the people, sit in a class room, and eat in the mess hall. Living the college life for a weekend. Once you have found one you feel most comforting and inviting to you. Pray about it. I believe the Lord will place on your heart where you are suppose to go. Don't waste time with applications or scholarships, get as many as you can in early.


For me, there is really no formula an individual can use to find the right college. I went around to different schools my friends had attended and wasn't crazy about any of them. I still didn't know where I should go to school. Then one morning in church the Liberty Praise team came and sang for us and I have never desired to be a part of something so badly. After that morning I was sold to Liberty University without ever researching about it or visiting! To make the most of the college experience get involved right away! Don't wait to see how things play out, just step right into it!


Go visit the school before you send your applications.


I think it is so important to pick a college based ONLY on your opinion. I think to many times high schoolers pick a college based on where they think their parents or their friends want them to go. I think choosing a college based on that is the wrong thing to do. Go where you want to go. Do what you want to do. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. You were made for this.