Never left someone over rule you.
To always stay ahead of your class work and to make a set scedule
Being where I am now in my educational life I'd have a lot of suggestions for myself as a high school senior. Here are several things I would say if I was to give advice to myself. Be prepared for college ahead of time don't wait til the last minute, don't loose sight of your vision, don't be scared or pessimistic, reach high and you will achieve your goals, don't limit yourself because you're unsure just step out in faith and you'll be fine, and last but not least be an overcomer!
When I look at my college life since I graduated high school, there are some things I wish I could have done a little different. Also, there is something that worked for me. The advice I would give myself is to take AP Calculus and Physics in high school, and going to community college for a couple years is a good thing.
I did not realize I would need calculus II for my biology degree, so I wish I would have taken AP Calculus because that would have given me the credits for calculus in college. Then I could graduate a little faster, and I would be taking a class I like now.
Also, Physics is a class I should have taken in high school, because I would understand it better when taking it in college. Next semester, I am taking physics, but I wish I knew more about it before taking it.
Community College was a good idea for the first couple years after graduating high school because I was able to save money there, spend more time with my family, and was able to get a decent job.
I would tell myself that college is not easy, but you can survive and do well. The key to succes during the next 4 years is to be focused in your studys but also enjoy the time in between. Don't take the work load to seriously. If you get a bad grade it is not the end of the world, there will be another test in which you work twice as hard to get a better grade. So enjoy the time, have fun with freinds, and do your best, becuase the future looks bright.
"Brandon, college is going to be challenging so you really need to strive to do your best in your classes now and truly learn the information, not just get a good grade. School may not always be fun but it will help you develop as you mature and become an adult. School isn't just something to get through, you need to approach your classes knowing that they will prepare you for the classes and come. Ultimately your classes will prepare and equip you to succeed in life by working hard in whatever vocation you enter into. Life is full of work, so don't try and skip out on the 'hard stuff' now. Every little bit of school work will help you grow and be able to carry the next load of work presented to you. Once you understand this principle, you will be able to run with any load given you, no matter how large, and be free to conquer any 'mountain' you wish to climb."
Visit the schools your looking at, take part in some of the activities, and you will see how well you fit in. If you put the time into your classes you will do well.
Going away to college is not an easy task. When I went away to college I did not know anybody at the school. Getting involved is one of the easist things that a person can do to get to know people. Clubs on campus are an easy way to meet people that have the same interests and values as you.
Also, it would be a good idea to have a checklist of the things you need before you go. As you pack, check off what you have. Having a checklist will ensure that you do not leave home without something important. It will make the transition easier knowing that you have everything before you start.
Make sure that you learn to study and focus on your school wark. Although high school was easy for you, do not get full of your own worth and think that college will be the same way. College is hard. It is different from anything that you have ever experienced. You will be treated like an adult and no one will be there to coddle you when things do not go the way you would like them to go. However, on the positive side, you are going to learn so much and make friends that will last for a life time.
The advice that I would give myself would be trust in God. College is basically high schoool on steroids. The best advice that would benefit myself, if I had one back in time, would be relying on something larger than myself because there are many activities, struggles internally and externally, schoolwork, and networking that distract a student that an individual becomes stressed. Instead, of partying or becoming involved in something that could effect an individual negatively, turning to God and doing positive activities He has provided can release this stress. I would tell myself that staying strong in my beliefs would be everything that I would need when I would get into college.