parties on campus, but no houses to actually party in, we go out to new haven a lot, some people party all week
Everyone seems to be friendly, people will say hi to you in the hall or in the bathroom. Everyone hangs out in the quad when it's nice out and there is always a ton of people around. Organizations are pretty big and Sororities and Fraternaties are bigger than college board makes them out to be. The Sporting events are the most popular event on campus. Especially ice hockey. There are always activities on campus (and free stuff!) and guest speakers, comedians, and magicians, etc. People are in the library til late every night or out in the study lounge. A lot of people go out to the New Haven clubs on Thursdays and Fridays and the weekends seem to be one big party. But if you do not drink, there is still plenty of other things to do- except eat b/c the cafe closes at 6 on weekends and the Rat food is questionable.
Every week students get an email about the events going on during the week. There is always something to do that is organized by the school or one of the organizations on campus. There are parties at QU just like at every other school, but they rarely get out of hand. Since the school is right near New Haven, which has a huge night-life scene, a lot of students frequent the clubs or bars on the weekends. New Haven also has a lot of good shopping and dining options. The shuttle on campus runs to and from Hamden and New Haven on a daily basis about once every hour from early in the morning to very late.
There is a lot of greek life on campus, considering how small we are. But, like any small campus there really isn't a lot of clique-i-ness if you are not greek. Quinnipiac has tons of professional clubs and opportunities to be in different clubs are growing all the time. My favorite group was my greek orginization Alpha Phi Omega, which is a community service fraternity. It's very reminiscent of scouting and national honor society.
As for the one on campus, people are very friendly. If the freshman dorms people leave their doors open all the time and in every suite i lived in, you really only closed your door at bedtime and to get changed.
If you are a girl you might find the dating scene rather slim... we out number the boys in what feels like 2:1... if you are a guy the opposite holds true. Like any small town though it turns into a very small world... be careful your you'll end up dating your ex's freshman roommate!
Saturday nights if you aren't looking to drink there are usually a TON of events. QUAD (QU after dark) frequently has fun activities from 8pm - 2am, including crafts, BINGO (with sweet prizes), movies and more. The huge drinking night on campus is thursday and people usually end up taking what we refer to as the drunk bus into new haven to go clubbing.
Athletic Events are not that popular. I don't actually really know anyone that attends, excepting for hockey which is our BIG sport.
If i'm awake at 2am on tuesday, i'd most likely be online iming my friends! The whole campus is wireless and we pretty much all live on the internet.
There are so many groups on campus I couldn't even guess which are the most popular. Almost anything you can think of has a group here on campus. Normally if you are awake in the middle of the night on a weeknight you are either at the library or hanging out in your room, unless it's a Thursday or Friday night when you normally head into New Haven. Frats and Sororities are not very important on campus since there is no Greek housing however there are 3 Sor. and 2 Frat. that are available to join on campus. One group that keeps many people away from drinking on weekends is QU After Dark, they always have fun programs like Karaoke or Ping Pong tourneys or anything.
Frats and Sororities make up 4 {4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body, they are prevelant but not over whelming. Athletic events are over rated here, with little attendance across the board. Dorm rooms are left open a lot. 2 am on a Tuesday we are drinking or watching tv. People drink daily, and are drunk 3 or 4 days. Mostly everything revolves around drinking. Off campus is eating, dancing, drinking and Wal Mart.
QU brings in really great guest speakers, and really diverse ones too. I've met people in my hallway or through friends of friends. Also, I have met people in classes but its harder to move from just classmates to friends outside of class that way.
People party all the time here. Its a huge party school but there are activies you can go to and people to hang with if you dont want to party that night or in general.
Students in dorms leave their doors open if they are home. there have been recent dorm thefts on campus (ipods, computers, etc.) People tend to be careless with their valuables. The most popular student organizations are student government association (SGA), QU after dark (movies, etc.) Athletic events are very popular, and these students get a lot of stuff for free. There are very frequent guest speakers, hypnotists, psychics, plays. There are a lot of nice guys but there are also a lot of dirt bags. It is hard to go out if you are not single to get a guy to talk to you once you tell him you have a boyfriend. My closest friends were my freshman roomates and peopele in a lot of my classes. Partying is common, especially on thursday nights (lots of poeple go to New Haven, there is a shuttle), friday, and saturday. There are quiet hours in the dorms during the weeks and there is not too much loud partying. During the weekend there is a lot of partying on campus, and you don't have to go somewhere to have fun. There are local bars if you don't want to go all the way to New Haven. Frats/sororities aren't huge, there is one coed service frat, two sororities, and one fraternity that are pretty popular. Sports parties are popular too. Aside frmo drinking the university has tons of activities that are raelly great. Nearest mall is about 30 minutes away but there is a good amount of shopping in town that you can take the shuttle too. Off campus parking is available for sophmores (freshman cannot have cars), juniors can park on campus, and seniors must commute (there is no senior housing). The housing is a "lottery" and it sucks, but the housing in general is suite style and really nice.
Things are getting better, but it still seems like there is either heavy drinking or none at all. The late-night activities on weekends are populated by small groups of friends who are anti-drinking.
Small greek life, 2 of each, getting more popular but still not greek housing. Very clique-y.
Overall the social life is good other than when we had T-pain. There is an attempt at having events to help prevent drinking but the majority of the student body goes to clubs in new haven on the weekends, which is very easy to access by the shuttle service.