there are so many options and you can find this out at the fair in the beginning of the year. as freshman many students stay on campus and then as they get older go into new haven to the clubs downtown. there are always events going on on campus and they are always open to students. you will always find someone who is like you and classes are where you can meet different people from your dorm. hockey is our most popular sporting event because our team is really good. people party on the weekend thursday, friday and saturday and occasional weekdays. frats/sororities are not big on campus, they are most used for community service based and since there are no houses allowed in CT they are not treated like they are at bigger schools.
Greek life on campus is fairly predominant. There are two frats and three sororities. There is also a lot of interest in Student Government, Student Planning Board and student media groups (radio station, TV station and the newspaper). There are not too many events on campus that are well attended other than hockey games and some keynote speakers that are usually pretty interesting.
I would suggest that the first few days of freshman year you go around your dorm and campus meeting as many people you can, as these will most likely be your closest friends for the next four years. Most of the time, if you're up until 2 a.m. any night of the week you are either partying or studying. Both are very common. If you're not into the party scene, I would recommend either becoming very involved with an on campus group, learn to love studying and video games or attend another school as almost nothing can compete with partying from Wednesday to Sunday morning.
There is a lot to do off campus if you're willing to venture into New Haven. Restaurants, clubs, bars, museums, etc. are all within 20 minutes in any direction.
people party 3-4 nights a week. sororities and fraternities are fun on campus but not a huge part of campus life. its a great way to get involved.
I think there is a lot to do at Quinnipiac. There are always activies and events going on. There is a wide range of clubs and orgizations so that everyone can find one that fits them. I think the sports are a pretty big part here, but I wish there was a better fan base. I also wish Greek life was bigger here. There is also a lot to do in the Hamden/New Haven area.
There are some clubs on campus, but they are not popular and no one participates in their events unless there's free food. You meet most of your close friends in class or from your hallway/dorm. Some people party during the week, but everyone goes to New Haven on Thursday and Saturday nights, and then try to find something to do on Friday. There is some drinking on Wednesday nights. You have to have a fake i.d. to have fun though, as you can't get into the bars or clubs without one. There is nothing to do that doesn't involve drinking except going to sleep. The parties are whack, and are not big at all. Many consider 12 people sitting in a room drinking a "party." It is also a suitcase school, as many leave school on the Weekends to go visit their friends at other schools and experience a real party.
Freshman year everyone becomes friends with the floor that you're on. Usually you're picking the roomates for the rest of your four years from this one dormroom. For me I had a couple of people from my town, or the town over that we became close pretty quickly.
Partying usually consists of dorm room parties or going out to New Haven. There are only certain places that you can go if you're not 21 that will let you in anyway. There are also always a ton of campus parties going on, but they can get broken up quickly by security and a lot of students get written up for that type of stuff. One room had a blow up baby pool filled with water in their room, there have been kegs that were snuck on campus, ice louges, and there is always a game of flip cup or beer pong going on. Any card game ever created can also become a drinking game. Power hour before going out to new haven is pretty popular too. Many students pregame before going out to save money and to get the party started on the "drunk bus". Many students have puked ont he drunk bus, and that can result in a fine. You have to chose your seat wisely and always check for puke before sitting.
As for not drinking, there is always a movie playing, or a game show type event on campus, but to be honest I've never been to one. They do always have good movies, like the last movie posted was Juno. It's never movies that no one would want to see. My club hosted an Italian Feast for a night where we had a DJ, and a ton of food for one night, and also we had this guy come who took your picture on a green screen type of thing and put you and your friends in Italy. Every organization has something like that going on every once in a while, which is always fun.
There are also guests speakers like crazy, but again, I've never been interested to go, but depending on who it is Alumni Hall can be packed to over capacity. Fraternities and sororities are not big at all, we're not allowed to have houses because over a certain amount of people (really jsut girls) in a house is considered a brothel in connecticut.
Anyone can date anyone on campus, unless you're in a fraternity or sorority, they get weird about that and you can only date each other. But a freshman can date a senior, sophomore, junior whatever. Most of the time you can't even tell what year they're in unless you ask.
Everyone goes out Thursday nights to the same place in downtown new Haven, Hula Hanks. Saturday night everyone goes to Toads in New Haven. Everyone has fake i.d.'s. Hockey is pretty big. There is a new sports arena, but the hype has died down since it's opening, not many people go anymore. If I am awake on a Tuesday morning at 2, I would most likely be studying or doing work. May Weekend used to happen, it was awesome and the best part of QY. People party every night, but typically thursday through sat. Frats and sororities are not big. Last weekend we held our own May weekend since they took it away.
Dorms are open places with open dorms. Frats/sororites are minor. There are options run by the student programming board on weekends if you dont want to drink, but most people drink in dorms or go to bars and clubs anyway
Many people drink, but barely anyone does drugs. There are student run programs to put on fun alternatives to drinking and partying. But, personally, I just like to relax with my friends and watch a movie or something most nights.
The student life on Quinnipiac is great when it comes to sponsered events. This year President Jimmy Carter came to talk about the nuclear missles crisis. As far as dorm life, I live in the smallest dorm at the school. It's a three person per room, which really should only fit two. There are constently people breaking ceiling tiles, or chairs in the study lounge. But i trust just about all of them. If i leave my room I'll leave the door open. drinking happens all the time, but the real drinking happens thursday, friday, saturday. frats and sororities are a joke. their not allowed to have a house on campus and their parties are broke. To get the animal house feel you need to get to know someone on a sports team. If your not looking to drink there are activities and events planned every weekend for people to hang out and do whatever. personally i've never attended one but they sound like they could be fun.