First of all, just relax! All the freshmen are in the same boat, being here for the first time. There are going to be so many people on campus, but that just means that there are more people for you to meet and make friends with. Freshman year, the classes are not that different than high school because there are many introductory classes that you are required to take. Living away from home is a lot of fun because you get your first taste of independence. Although there are more responsibilities, its not overwhelming and other people are always there to help you. There is always something fun happening in college, so you have to make sure you find time to study and do your work. Never underestimate the power of a nap. When you're studying or out late then getting up early for classes, an afternoon nap will be your best friend. And finally, avoid early morning classes at all costs. You will never ever want to get up early, and when you do, you'll wish you could be sleeping (and it is never good to sleep during class).
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there would be a very important piece of advice that I would give myself. This piece of advice would not only be important to know my senior year, but years before and years to come as well. I would advice myself to save more of my money. Although I knew to save my money, and have for a long time now, it should have been more of a priority in my life. Since being in college for only one semester, I have watched my back account dwindle down on a fast pace. Buying food, going out for social acitivities, and paying for printing ink are just a few of the things money is used for. It costs more money being in college than I thought. If I were to go back and give myself advice as a senior in high school, I would definitely tell myself to save more of my money and use it more wisely.
I would tell myself to relax, because college life, although it is not a "cake walk," is a place to meet people who really care and want you to succeed in all aspects of life. I would tell myself that the chances of finding a wife are exponentially great due to the ratio of women to men. I would tell my younger self that the teachers are available and willing to help with whatever questions or concerns that you have. I would tell myself about the great living conditions and how the campus is not overcrowded while there is plenty of social interaction. I would comment on how incredible the football team is winning Big South Championships. I would tell myself about the scenery that takes your breath away. And finally I would remind myself that, although it is a bit of a drive home and that I would miss family, the staff and especially the students become like a second family enough to where I call it "school home."
I wish I had known that not everyone makes the transition quickly. I also wish I had known that not every person goes to college to get an education, and that not everyone is academically-focused. I would have told myself that the first one or two semesters may be frustrating when taking general education courses, but one you get into your major courses, you see the true quality of the university's academic programs. College is a different experience for everyone, so just keep yourself focused on your goals, but also be open to new ideas and opportunities, and you will grow beyond your greatest expectations.
If I could give myself adivice as a senoir in high school I would like to tell myself to remember that even though life from now is going to be different and contain many challenges, nothing is more important than staying focused on my goals and remembering where I came from. Also, I would remind myself that even though situations may seem difficult, do not give up on school work or any other aspects of life. Another point I would like to make would be to take advantage of opportunities and not take for granted two of the most important aspects which are time and money.
I would not waste half of my life thinking that knowelage was unimportant. I would tell myself that in order to be happy you must have some sort of education. I would encourage myself to get in school and stay there.
Don't be set on what you want to be when you grow up. Use those first few semesters to take classes in different areas and find something that you really love. Don't forget that you can't avoid all math classes so quit daydreaming during calculus. Inevitably, you will find a department that you feel at home with and it probably won't be what you thought you were going to college for. It makes 8am classes a lot easier to handle when you are looking forward to learning the subject.
"Hey Hannah! I know it may be difficult to believe this, but I am you, just about 7 years down the line from now. Don't believe me? Well, I know that you are captain of the lacrosse team, you are taking Shakespeare with Mr. Sullivan, and that your sister drops you off each morning on her way to student teaching. Does that help?"
"So, thinking about college, I also know you are not really expanding your options or really preparing. But you should!! Looking back, I wish I (you) had put more effort into planning for school. How, you may say? You may not realize it now, but scholarships WILL save you in the long run! I (you) did not pay attention when in school, and now we have considerable student loans. It is going to take years to even make a dent, let alone get rid of it completely. And, you should work during school. Save that money! You'll be able to get a much better car, without a payment, and you will have much less stress later on about transportation. I would put in a word about studying, but you are a pretty big nerd already."
I would tell myself to take more AP classes and really work to get the credit for them! I would tell myself that the work load is much more, and I have to get organized to prepare for it. When I was deciding schools, I was concerned that the networking would be limited if I attended Liberty. Now I know that is far from the truth! I would tell myself to definitely go with Liberty University and not worry about it not being an Ivy League school, or not as well-known, or that opportunities for prestigious work post-graduation will not be as likely because it is under a Christian name. Jerry Falwell had a dream, and when He allowed God to lead his life, his dream for the university, the school, and church came into being and the outcome went beyond his expectations. I would tell myself that no matter what I wanted to do or become in life, it does not matter so much of where I go, but that if I have a dream, and I keep my first priority centered on God, He will get me where I need to go. And, He is.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior based on what I know now as a college student, I would have told myself to push myself a ittle hard. In ollege all of the cool kids are the smart kids, not the kids that wear the nicest clothes or have the hottest cars. My mentality as a high school student was revolved aound just graduating, having the nicest clothes, travel the most, and maintaing popularity. As a college student know I realize, there is more to life than just high school and if want to be something in life you have to have a good education. If I would have known in high school what I know now i believe I would have done things a lot different.