Quinnipiac University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The most popular organizations I would say is Greek Life. I am also a member of Alpha Chi Omega on campus. Alot of people leave their doors open, and stop in to say hi even if passing by. Athletic events, especially hockey games are always packed. As a room of 8, we are always up late at night, watching tv, doing homework, or ordering food. THe weekends technically start on Thursday and last through Saturday night. My roommates and I are usually out into New Haven for the night life. If we choose not to drink, which often happens whether we are sober driving for our sorority or just want to stay in, we go to the movies, out to eat, or bowling. Usually we go shopping, tanning, and out to lunch when we are in Hamden for the afternoon.


Some of the most popular groups or organizations on campus are the sports teams and the Greek life organizations. I would say that they play a fairly large role in events that go on around campus and do attract a fair amount of people, although there are still many that stereotype the average Greek. On top of that, it seems to me that the same people that play a big role in Greek life also play a big role in other organizations on campus...the most involved people tend to be the ones that are involved in everything.


Greek life is small on campus, but it is a great way to get involved, everyone in greek life is involved in so many other things on campus. No one leaves their doors open on campus... its not THAT safe here. If i am awake late at night, i am studying. I met my friends through classes and being involved on campus. People party a lot depending on their majors. Greek life is very close together and it should expand. There honestly isnt too much to do on campus on a saturday night if your not drinking. Off campus you can go out to eat, shop, hang out, mini golf, batting cages, bowling. There is a lot to do off campus, but getting there can be a pain in the butt.


I feel like if you were involved in high school, there are a lot of ways to be involved at QU. For me, Greek Life is my social life...whether it is community service, events for other greek organizations, or simply just getting to know people, without greek life i dont think i would like QU. Almost all of my friends are Greek, and if they aren't Greek, they are involved in other organizations like BSU or OLs


The social life is very interesting. Not a lot happens on campus, because security tends to be pretty strict. Most of the social aspects, partying, etc. happens either off campus or in New Haven. The partying scene tends to hit the bars and clubs Thursday-Saturday. I like to occassionly go to clubs, it's a nice release from a stressful week. However, hanging out with friends in my room watching movies isn't a bad idea either.




The most popular organizations on campus would probably be RHD, which consists of all the RA's, and perhaps SPB, the student programming board. I think that these two groups play a big part in the type of activities that go on throughout campus.


The most popular group her eon campus is Alpha Chi Omega. We are pretty fabulous and raised 18,000 last year for the fight against domestic violence.


The most popular team on campus is probably the ice hockey team. A new stadium was just built and a lot of hte stuednts go to the games and get pretty into it. If im awake on a tuesday night at 2am im usually in my common room with my roommate listning to rascal f latts and doing homework. There are a few frats and sororities. One of my roommates is in Alpha Chi Omega and they usually have various fundrasiers and formals through out hte year. There are three soroities and two frats.


its fun to go to the hockey games and to go into new haven to a club with friends. during the week its more about school and doing homework. and sometimes i go to events held by clubs or the school as a whole.