Don't over do yourself your senior year. Don't procrastinate and push everything your last 2 years of high school. Do your best throughout high school and finish strong. AP biology is harder than you think so study hard. Remeber to always do your best and study, but also relax and have fun as well. Senior year is stressful when applying to college, but just know it's all worth it in the end. Start strong and finish stronger! As long as you apply yourself and do the best you can you will get into college. It doesnt matter where you go to college, ivy league or not, a university is a university and you got into college so be proud!
Think. Think about what you really want to do in the future. I know you find the future to be full of mysteries and most of all daunting. But it will come sooner than you think; sooner than you want. However frustrating it may seem, you need to start thinking about what kind of career you would like to pursue. I am not asking you to pick a specific major or plan out your whole life but simply contemplating the future will help you cope with the fact that you will indeed age, become an adult and be faced with many choices. These choices will encompass a variety of issues such as which major to choose, where to live, who to befriend, who to date, and countless other choices. If you don?t do as I ask, then you will start college, jumping from major to major never really confident that you are making the right choices, afraid you will make a wrong one, and disappoint those closest to you. So please, consider what I have said and remember to make your decisions based on what you want and not on someone else?s expectations.
Going back to senior year and giving advice to yourself, what an opportunity that would be. The most important advice I would give to myself is to follow my heart and stay true to who I am. Your head can tell you what it believes to be right, however, going with the passion of your heart can never fail you. Do not let anyone hold you back from the dreams you have planned for your future. Make sure that you do plan your future, but accept the change as it comes along.
I would also advise myself to go out of state and not be afraid. The transition will be difficult, but fight through it with a high head and let yourself open up to the new life ahead of you. Open your mind to possiblities and they will come if you keep your heart open. However, do not forget about school. School is going to be difficult, but keep your outlook positive. School will take you where you need to go for your future. You will succeed if you keep a smile on your face and a loving heart to lead your life. Be who you know you are.
Be outgoing. Everyone is anxious to make friends and do fun activities so just go out there and have fun. But not too much that your grades suffer. If you still have the opportunity do AP classes. They help you get out of general education classes that do not usually pertain to your intended major. That way you can dive right into your required classes. In addition, go out and join at least one club and get really involved. It helps you network which is necessary for finding an intership or job in the future. And the sooner you make those connections the better off you will be. Just be yourself, or a little more outgoing then you usually are if you are shy. This is your chance to explore the world and yourself so have an adventure.
You want something go after it. Find something that you have a passion for, because passion over rides a paycheck. The sacrifices you make now continuing onto college , will pay off later. Do not let people, funding, family, and peers deter you from acomplishing what you want to do. Stay focused. Your career path and potential collegic career is not a race, but a intense training program that will prepare you for the real world and your entire life. It does not matter who graduated first or last , it's about how you finish.
Learn to encourage yourself because everybody does not share and value what you do. Learn to seek out others who you confide in and who share the same path, and who can also serve as a support system. Do not be afraid to ask for help, the only questions that are uneccessary are the ones that are not asked. Do not be afraid to reach out and help others. Dreams are attainable it's just a matter of how far and how much work are you willing to put into your dream to make it become a reality.
Most of all have fun while doing it!
Relax. There are many responsibilities that come with getting older and many roads in which you can take and create your life. The point of all of it is to have fun and learn as much as possible. Take each day one at a time a live in the moment. When looking back it seems that the time just flew by, but during each transition of your life it felt like forever. Just be grateful for everything and everyone you have. Thank all of your professors and peers for helping and supporting you to get where you are. Never forget the medicinal part of life. Escape from expectations and make your own. You will do fine as long as you keep believing in yourself. Way to go.
Dear Emerald,
Yes you're going through tough times with your car accident from your senior year which, thankfully it wasn?t fatal for your best friends. You'll gain yourself confidence back; the scar on your face won?t be the focus in a couple of years once you?re in school. Regardless, you need to apply to all of the schools that you dreamed of, not only ASU since it was convenient. Yes, you'll get accepted and fortunately receive enough tuition money but transportation will be difficult freshmen year since you have no car and live two hours away on city bus. This will negatively affect your gpa and stress levels, so please apply to out of state schools even those across state, to get away for your comfort zone. You'll drop friends, pick up new ones, meet guys that are interesting but not good enough to stay around long. All of these are blessings in disguise, so make time for things more than high school friends; try the cheer squad club, soccer or even volunteer more. Do more than just the minimum if teaching is your passion work with kids on your free time.
The advice I would have given myself as a high school senior would be to work harder in school aiming for the highest A that I can recieve because I did not know that in college there is a plus and minus scale that can potentially decrease my GPA. I would also, would have research potential college majors to know what types of classes that I would need to take to fulfill college requirements; therefore I would have a better understanding on what classes in high school could assist me for outstounding performance in college, thus taking them more seriously. Lastly, I would have applied for more scholarships so I would not be barely making it off of financial aid, scholarships, and other resources for college since I come from a household under a single mother who raises my brothers and I.
Work harder. Don't slack off in school and try to look for scholarships and financial aid as early in the year as you can. Don't become content with your grades. Strive to do better. You should also join some clubs so that you can socialize and experience more.
First things first, you're going to miss home, family and friends, but that doesn't mean you have to text or sit on facebook all day, especially in class. Second, be wise with your money, you won't have alot, and neither do your parents. Third, eat healthy, exercise, and get plenty of rest, otherwise you'll get fat and lazy. Fourth, go to each and every class and lecture, take notes and ask questions, why else are you going to college? And last but not least, KIDS CAN WAIT!