University of Central Florida Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Central Florida? Why?


The campus is huge, so it takes a while to walk to class.


It is a large univerity so it can be intimidating.


The parking is horrible. You have to arive at least two hours before your class to find a parking spot. More parking spaces need to be added ASAP!


The worst thing at my school is parking. Other than that I think everything else is ok.


The only negative aspect that I am vocal about pertaining to my school is the oversized classes. Most of the classes are lecture based with an appropriate lab section required as well. The lecture classes tend to have upwards of 200 students with only one professor to teach. The labs are smaller with approxamitely 30 student taught by two or three undergraduate teaching assistants. While the labs are sufficient, I would rather spend more time with a professor that i directly ask questions to.


I consider the number of students to be the worst thing about my school. Currently we are the third largest school in the country. No parking, no books, no computers, no quiet space, no place to sit, professors are overwhelmed, ect. All of these things get to be very frustrating.


The worst thing about UCF is the limited amount of housing that is offered to students who are not freshmen. As a freshman you can live at any of the six communities on campus and two communities off campus, but as a upperclassman there are only two housing options to live in. UCF is the fifth largest school in the country, so a lot of sophomores, juniors, and seniors are forced to live off campus and then pay transportation fees.


Honestly, I really do not have anything to say that is bad about my school. One thing that can be somewhat annoying is the process of trying to get into classes that may already be full. But this is standard procedure.


The worst thing about the school is the location. Coming from a smaller town, going to school in a big city is quite a change. I'm not used to the amount of traffic in such such a large city but I am growing to appreciate it.


UCF is the fastest growing university in Florida. Currently there are more than 50,000 students that attend UCF. Because of this, getting required classes can prove to be difficult and at times it's hard to find good parking spaces. Some students find it difficult to obtain a Bachelor's degree in four years.