University of Central Florida Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Central Florida? Why?


I think the only negative at my school is the parking situation. Sometimes it can be rather difficult to find a place to park.


Under construction constantly. Lack of parking availability.


The bureacracy that abounds throughout the school system is unbelievable. Each department has their own agenda and it is hard to get them to communicate with each other. It makes for a lot of paperwork and aggravation for the students. The registration process is especially trying for older students. My case is unique which made the number of forms I had to fill out that much more. If you are the average student coming out of community college it might not be so bad.


Class size at UCF can be very large. Some classes will have hundreds of students in it making it hard to ask questions and get the teachers attention. Also in large classes students tend to talk with eachother making it hard to hear the professor.


I consider the University of Central Florida to be almost perfect, but the parking can be a nightmare. For the first few weeks of a new semester, the parking lots can get crowded and stressful. But, there are always people at UCF trying to make the situation easier to handle. The campus police are always there to help, and students have even found new ways to help each other. Carpooling and off-campus parking shuttles help the environment, and are usually the easiest way to get to class on time.


Nothing. Everything is Great.


The worst thing about my school is the parking situation. Unless you arrive for a 7:30 AM class, it is nearly impossible to find parking in any of the student parking lots. Most students find out by about their first month of their first semester that they should get to the school at least thirty to forty-five minutes before a class begins in order to have enough time to drive around the school (sometimes twice) to find a parking spot.


The drawback to UCF is its sheer size. Being the fourth largest university in the United States, it is easy to feel insiginificant in the big picture of campus life. However, the small size of upper division courses and the opportunity UCF fosters in building relationships with fellow students of the same degree program make the large size less of an issue. Though large in size, UCF is very personal.


I am not satisfied about the financial assistance at UCF. They'll give a small amount of money which usually does not cover all your courses, books, and other expenses.


Parking is the worst thing