University of Georgia Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Georgia.


My classmates are som eof the most driven adn talented students I have ever met and they make me strive to do better.


Most of my classmates are sensible, hard working people who prioritize their school work over partying and havng fun.


My classmates are typically hard-working individuals who put great effort towards high GPAs.


My classmates have proven their exceptional capabilities by their acceptance to a major university and they are an incredibly driven group of people who have the work ethic, intelligence, and the ability to succeed anywhere they may choose to go beyond the University of Georgia.


My classmates are exceptionally friendly and fun loving, but also very intelligent.


I love my classmates. Everyone comes from a diverse background, yet we all find a way to get along. Students learn just as much from their classmates as from their teacher. We get hands on experience to different cultures and backgrounds from all over the world.


Diverse, Attractive


My classmates are the coolest, most intelligent, quirkiest future industry leaders.


The students at my school are very diverse. I had friends that were roommates. One was a jewish guy. One was a nerdy Indian. One was a white jock. The last was a black frat guy. I don't think anyone would feel out of place at school. My school is much less cliquish than other schools.


There's an array of cultures at the University of Georgia. We have religious students, poor students, rich students, big students, tall students, short students, small students. and even students from the LGBT community. Whatever kind of person you can think of, you'd most likely find at UGA. Most students wear the school colors. We also wear free t-shirts we get because well...who doesn't like free stuff? I wouldn't say UGA is extremely "cliquey" but there are distinct groups of people that like to hang out with each other like the athletes and the greeks. I wouldn't say a lot of students discriminate. Usually people are open to meeting you...especially freshman.