A lot of people turn to fraternitys or sororitys. In a sense they are a great way to meet friends, so going greek could be a possiblity for some people. There are tons of clubs on campus, IUP has a little something for every student. There are politcial, athletic, and religious clubs on campus plus a lot more. There is a mall close by, philadelphia street is popular on weekends, and there is a movie theater. I met my closest friends in the dorms, everybody had there doors open and welcomed others in. Its a social network and you just have to go to rooms and let people know who you are. Lots of people party, but not everyone. There is always something to do.
There is so much to do at IUP. There are always people walking outside at all hours. The hub is a great place to work out. The library is always packed with people, both hanging out and studying. There are some great bars uptown when you turn 21, which hold alot of fun and memories in them. Athletic events are fun to go to, but are not as big as say Pitt or PSU. It is a very friendly campus, and you will meet someone.
There is alot of social interaction, yet I would like to see IUP do more for the school on terms of events. There are many clubs and organizations available. I love being part of IUP Newscenter20. Joining a group, club, ect., helps you to connect with people you usually would not talk to. This helps you to broaden your horrizons and veiw people differently in a good way. I feel that the dating scene is at an immature level still. I am not sure if it is just IUP or this is everywhere. A lot of fraternity guys have a big head about themselfs. Not every guy on campus is immature when it comes to the dating scene, but most college guys are still in the mind set of just usuing young girls.
There is no reason to sit at home. There is always something to do and friends to meet. Activities to participate in, clubs to join, greek life, and many other opportunities. If you sit in your room, it is by choice.
Everyday is a party, no questions asked. You have to learn when you can and when you can't. We aren't called "I Usually Party" for no reason. Homecoming is a big deal, the town shuts down, there's a parade & everyone is wasted. Most bars open at 8 am for kegs & eggs. Fratts do it too.
I love Delta Zeta and greek life, I wish it wasnt so looked down upon because it is more than just partying, it really benefited me.
Hmm I was in the honors college, so I had no social life. Really, I read and wrote papers, every weekend. I got out a few times a semester to go camping. I taught a few kids how to read at a local after school place, I helped out with a drama club a few times. And the rest of the time I locked myself in my room and worked my ass off. I met all of my close friends in my hardest classes, we studied, talked about our thesis topics, and tried to kept each other sane ( usually with limited success) during finals. As a result, I have a perfect GPA and no finger nails. As for sporting events, people don't really go, and no one ever comes to campus. Actually that's not true, Bill Clinton, Ron Paul, and Chicago came. I don't know of any traditions that happen every year, which is said because like I said, we do have a lot of history as a school, if students wanted to they could totally play that up and make some cool uniting events or traditions. But people don't seem to care about that stuff, they are all pretty self, or grade absorbed.
Go to Philly Street for fun shops, good food, and nice townspeople! Go see the Jimmy Stewart Museum. Get a job on's easy money and a good way to keep yourself busy and get your work done.
greeks major clubs and any type of club you can think of. yes. very popular. yes we had bill clinton last year. probably laying in my bed. a lot of things go on at iup durning the year. people party but at to often. to me important to others not sure. movies mall games