Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I hear people in regular dorms left their doors open but I lived in a suite and it was pretty quiet. Everyone kept to themselves and if the most conversation you had was hi as you were passing each other in the hall. Events are pretty nice their, good concerts, and good speakers. Their's not alot to do off campus that doesnt include drinking because its such a small town. There's usually a party from thursday to sunday. You can generally find someone to drink with any day of the week on frat row. You'll see alot of things about frat's and sororities when you first get up their cuz they recruit big time but unless you know how to balance partying and studying, i'd be careful. Your closest friends tend to be your roomates. And if you just dont get along with them then you tend to find someone in a class.


The most popular groups are WIUP-FM, The BEC, TEN, and Greek Life. IUP is an on going party from starting. ppl joke the weekends start on wed. at wolfies lol


Living in the dorms your freshman year is the best way to make friends. Then once you start taking classes in your major you will meet more friends that you will find yourself with new friends that have a lot more in common with you and you will end up spending time studying and hanging out with these friends.


Yay theater! theres lots of great theater, and opportunity for non-majors to be apart.


Greek life on IUP's campus is huge!! I would say about 45-65{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the population are in some way involved with greek life. The dorms on campus are safe and with our new residential revival they're also beautiful. I like this question: "i f i was a wake at 2am on a tuesday, what would i be doing?"-- well id be in bed wondering why i cant sleep. not too many people go out on tuesday, but there is a scene if thats what your into.


Great. Even though a lot of students drink and may do so in a poor manner. I believe that drinking at fraternity or other parties or any other activities that the campus has are great ways to build up ones self esteem as well as their social life


Parties and weed


The most popular groups are those that are Greek. I am in the Panhellenic Association, which consists of 11 sororities and about 450 women. We work hard to support the community and different causes. Yes, dorm doors are always open. Athletic events are poorly attended. I think it is because we are not allowed to tailgate, but then maybe it is because we are Division 2 school. Guest speakers are only attended because classes make them mandatory. Same with theater. The dating scene... well... it seems as though everyone has a significant other but yet we all complain how there is no one to date. I met my closest friends through Alpha Gamma Delta. If I am awake at 2 am it is because I was at the bar on a Tuesday, otherwise I would have been in bed at 11:30. Each year homecoming is the biggest and best event at IUP. The town doubles to triples in size and people flood the streets for the parade. People that party, party a lot, those that don't party, don't party.. obviously. Greek life is a small percentage at IUP but it is a big part of IUP because of all the events that each group presents for the campus. Last weekend I went to the bars. Saturday night without drinking would be a dinner out on the town then maybe a rented movie with roommates. Off campus we go to the city, Pittsburgh, or shop, or just hang around our apartments.


Without greek life, IUP would be one really really really boring place.


Religious, sports, Greeks Zeta Tau Alpha-past president yes They all are pretty popular The dating scence SUCKS Sorority Watching TV or leaving the bar IUP Day, HOMECOMING! I'd say 3-4 times a week MOST IMPORTANT!!! Bar Movies, hanging out with my roommates Bar, mall, go to the park, go to the lake