Don't go to college. Don't go if you can't be strong in the face of challenges. They'll tell you there is plenty of help out there for you to stay in school. Don't believe them. You have to earn your own education and make sacrifices. At times it will seem like the ones who choose a life of thievery are better off. Don't feel discouraged. At times you'll see other young women resort to adult entertainment to earn their passage. Don't be persuaded; keep your diginity. At times you'll feel like quitting, you may have to stay home because you can't even afford the gas to commute to school. That's why the best advice I can give is to look now for scholarships so when you study abroad you won't have to go in debt with loans. You won't have to work two jobs to afford all your books,supplies and other necessities. Even if you still don't get the help you deserve, don't give up on yourself. Your education is priceless and in the end you will win through your strenghth and endurance.
Being a student who was very studious and level headed, transitioning into college was not as intimidating as I've seen in some of my other classmates. The advice I would give myself is to always believe that I can make a difference, by being an example to others to strive to always do their best. It was the simple things I learned that made my first year a successful one. I would advise myself to take the time to be more appreciative about things I used to take for granted. I would also advise myself not to enter into friendships too quickly. Being from a smaller community and knowing everyone's background and basic habits, it provided you with a sense of security. I would advise myself to mingle with as many different groups of people before committing to a particular one. My finally advice would be to always adhere to what you believe is right, even thought it might not be the most popular decision among your peers. Always remember you are usually given one chance and to make the most of what you are given.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would stress time management. In college, schedules are more flexible which allows for more free time, unlike the strict seven hour schedule in which high schools operate. Because of the allowance of more free time during the day and no parental guidance, many students lose track of time and socialize rather then using that free time to study. Therefore, I would tell myself to not think about college as being a place where I can socialize without restrictions, but to look at college as the place where every decision I make will effect my future - good or bad. I would stress the fact that work and studying comes first. Many people do not have the oppurtunity to receive a college education, therefore it is vital that this oppurtunity I have received does not go to waste.
I would tell myself first and foremost - don't be afraid! Even if you don't know exactly what you want your future to be or what your career interest is, attending college is one of the most enlightening, inspiring experiences you can expose yourself to. Everything from learning to be independent and responsible with your life, critical thinking skills required in the classroom, enlightening discussions with counsellors, professors and peer students--all of these things contribute to a well rounded and balanced life that gives you the intangible experience of what higher education has to offer. Choosing to take the easy way out -- delaying your admission, getting involved in a relationship too soon that could lead to an early marriage and/or starting a family -- those things can delay your growth and cause you to pass away years of limited opportunities and unfulfilled dreams. The process can be pretty easy as long as you do your part to study and keep up. Listen to your parents and those who love you most because they would never misguide you or tell you something that would lead you down the wrong path. So, I would say again don't be afraid!
I would definitely have saved up more money. Putting myself through college is helping me realize how much things really cost. I also would have focused a little more in school. I started to slack off once I was accepted into college. So mainly just saved more and stayed focused.
Don't forget the Lord, when you go to college. He has been leading you through it all, up to this point in your life. Be true to yourself. Don't become overwhelmed by the amount of school activites that is on campus. Neither be to anxious to get in a professor's "good graces." If you be diligent in your work and show people around you and your professors your eagerness to learn and understand, they will help you, go forward. In college, you really do find your true friends. Please stay true to yourself because you will meet the friends who are just right for you. If you encounter trifiling roommates, use that persecution to get closer to God, to learn how to stand on your two feet. It's better to not rush into dating, so you do not find yourself going through many emotion roller coasters, and many guys. Don't be dismayed if you have a bad semester. It is a necessary learning experience that you will appreciate later on. Remember to stay humble, with your eyes on the prize and don't be afraid of pursuing a different career path than you orginally intended.
If I could go back and talk to myself, I would have a lot of advice to give, but if I had to choose one thing it would be to establish who you are from the very start. In college there are many pressures that most people never face on such a grand scale. The temptations to do drugs, drink, party, have sex, and many other things are literally knocking at the door. Going into a new place and meeting tons of new people is exhilarating, but it is also the time when many people forget who they are. They get wrapped up in the party scene and end up throwing away or jepordizing the amazing opportunity that they have to learn and better themselves. If I could go back, I would remind myself that who I am is good enough. I don't need drugs, alcohol, or anything else to define me. You are who you are, and to establish that from the start would make any college students life easier.
Assuming that I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to take better notes in class. I would also tell myself to study more often because I did not study anywhere near enough in high school in order to get the grades that I know I was truly capable of. I would alos tell myself to be prepared to be a little homesick once I went away to college because I thought that I would not be homesick when I went away to college, but it turns out I was. I would also tell my high school self to ask more questions in class if I did not understand something because it is ok to ask questions if you don't understand something. That is what the professors are there for, to help students to understand anything they don't get. Lastly, I would tell myself to take my time with making friends as being a new person on campus is never easy and that it takes more than one day to find myself around a large campus like UNC-Charlotte and to make friends.
If I could go back in time, I would definitely start before my senior year in high school. Although, I had good study habits, I would make sure those habits continued. Even though I took AP classes, I'm sure I would have taken more and I would have made sure that I took the exam in every AP class taken. I would have worked extra to save since I am not working this school year. I would have stocked up more on essentials and the basics. I feel I am a well rounded student with a determination to complete my college education and at this point, I want to make sure I am able to pass on necessary and vital information to my niece and nephews so they to can have a successful finish to high school and college career. I DEFINITELY would have applied for more scholarships as I a m finding out how terribly expensive tuition and books are.
Asia, college is not going to be easy. Know and believe that you are smart and you are worthy of being where you are. You made it here because there is something special about you, so don't ever feel like you should not be where you are. Times will get hard and classes will seem rough. But everything you do is worth it. When you finish you will be able to look back and see where all the hard work has brought you to. Be yourself, don't feel like you have to change to fit in at school. Try not to be so shy, you are going to meet a lot of people. Don't be nervous about living with others, it is not as bad as you think. Stop procrastinating, that worked for you in high school when there wasn't a lot of work to be done, but in college there is a lot more to do so do it. Go out on campus and have fun. Keep yourself open to meeting new people and trying new things. College is very diverse so get to know the different parts.