When we think about college we immediately think about money. This association has been wired into our brains and all we can picture is eating ramen noodles for the rest of our lives. There is nothing exciting about a thousand cups of soup; but if it helps you find success, then it is a valid consideration. Going to a community college to save money is a smart choice, but it is not the choice for you. Community college will lead you away from your friends who have the positivity to help you be successful. You will drown on your own, but with the help of your friends you will find your passion and be successful. Don't stress out about money for there are many ways to obtain it. Apply for scholarships and work at a book store. I'm sure the benefits are great. If all else fails, I know you can get used to the inability of differentiating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When all is said and done, you can either have an empty cup of soup in one hand and a degree in the other, or just a cup full of soup.
I would really recommiend in joining the advance classes that you can take at High School to start doing some core courses while you still are at High School. Get prepared with all the expenses for your tuition, apply early for financial aid and apply for scholarships. Get group studies that can help you with the transition and stay on top of everything so when you go to class you already know the material and its going to be just a review for you. Schedule your time and budget as much as you can. If you can live with your parents do it and do not party too much preferably just go for a coffee to relax. Exercise so you can distract your mind and also enroll with an association or practice community service.
If I could go back to revisit myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to keep up everything up as I was doing. Senior year was the best year of my high school years. I was very involved in extra curricular activities, sports, and academics. The only thing I would try to change, is to force myself to try harder and study for both the SAT and ACT exams. Because I was one point shy in the ACT from obtaining a scholarship here at UTEP as well as 20 points away through my SAT score. So I was left with bitter taste post senior year, from not getting any scholarships. Other than that, I would encourage myself to stay in the path I was in and to always try my hardest in whatever it is that I am doing.
My advice would be, take your time on deciding your career, independently of what other people think or tell you. Research a lot, be passionate, engage yourself, and never take opportunities for granted. Never get intimidated by anyone, you're strong and intelligent, and you know what you want. Overall, everything is going to turn out fine, you will do great, do not fear. If you get confused, trust that, eventually, things will always become clear over time. Never feel regrets or sorry for yourself, all your decisions will make you stronger and a better person. You most probably would go through certain mental and emotional struggles, it is natural. You need the struggle and suffer a bit to become better person. In the meantime, just trust yourself, you have the right to be happy at all times, because you’re in the right path and eventually find yourself.
If I could go back in time and see myself when I was a high school senior, I would tell myself to not give up on my dreams. That even though I had to raise my children and take care of my family there is always a chance for you to finish your dreams of an education. To just believe in myself because I do have what it takes to make it in school. I always have even if anyone else couldn't see it. I would say it is a hard road but it is worth it in the end.
During my high school I made many mistakes that now affect me as a college student. One of them was to slack it off during my freshman and sophomore years. I thought high school was really not important at all, and I chose to have fun instead of paying attention in classes and getting good grades. Because of that, one of my derams did not get accomplished, this dream was to graduate in white (with honors). An advice I would give to myself is to be on track with everything and get all A's in classes; Now that I am in college I realize that high school was not hard at all compared to what I now have to get used to, in college no teahcer or administrator cares if you get a degree or anything, it is your responsibility and there is no hgelp like tutoring offered. If I had challenged myself in high school and get all A's it would've been a great help in my University, I would've gotten scholarships and grants and not have to wory about the $4000 tuition I now have to pay every semester.
There are several things that you should take into consideration before making your decision. Firstly, when you're choosing your college, make sure that it absolutely has what you want to do, any possible career choice that you could ever want to make, it offers as at least an undergraduate degree plan. Because, you'll change your mind a hundred times before you're there and back again. Next, don't squander your time and intelligence, take absolute care in sending out numerous applications for scholarship, and always make sure that your financial aid applications are filed on time. There is absolutely no sense in spending money that needn't be spent. And lastly, but most importantly: Make sure that the college that you're going to is absolutely for you. This is of the utmost importance because it will pain you to spend the next four years of your life at a place that you absolutely can't make a connection with. Your reluctance to be there will diminish from any sort of social or academic experience that you may hope to achieve. With that in mind Taylor, choose wisely, and choose with your future in mind. Good luck.
If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self, I would tell myself to work exceptionally hard and to always remember their is light at the end of the tunnel. The college experience is one where you will meet many people from all over the world which will open your eyes to what is out in the world. I would tell myself to not be kept in a bubble of my own experiences but to realize the world for what it is and soak up all the knowledge that is to come from professors and students alike. I would tell myself that only through the education I have received in college would I have known so much I do today. I would say that their is so much excitement and joy attending college, because of the adventures professors have experienced themselves and the students coming from all over the world. I would lastly tell myself to never change and continue to be the person that he is to that day. That being himself has led him a long way and that he should always stick to what he belives in.
I would tell myself to start applying for college early and continue working hard. I would tell myself that applying for colleges early in the year would assure that I will be at a university. College life is so much different than high school. My first piece of personal advice would be to not allow myself to skip school in college. It is so easy to sit back and just simply not go to school. There's no one calling your parents if you skip classes, so it's a dangerous trap of not going to fall into. In high school, I managed to get good grades with only a little studying. I would tell myself that this is not going to work in college. Again, there is no one holding your hand and making you do class work and homework. The most important piece of advice I would tell myself as a high school senior would be to stay motivated and study hard!
I would tell my high school self to go to college and to graduate and from high school and college and get a job in the world and to help my family and friends in the world and that way i can have a better live then what i have now. I would say not to wait on going to college i would go to college as soon as i could go i would tell myself to do good in college. I would tell myself than i will have a better life when i go to college then what i have now for my life and then my mom and dad would be happy for me. i would also tell myself to work very hard for what i have dreamed and what my heart wants me to go for and not what other people want me to do and in high school i listened to other people and not my heart and dreams so i would go back and tell myself to listen to my heart and dreams and not other people saying that i can't do what my heart and dreams want me to do not other people.