The University of Texas at El Paso Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Texas at El Paso know before they start?


Reflecting back now, knowing what I know, I would have told my high school self to apply for more scholarships. Along with that I would also tell myself that college isn't as hard as what people say. You tend to get out what you up into it. Last but not least I would tell myself, enjoy high school while it last.


Hello my name is Jacob Armendariz, a current freshman student at the University of Texas at El Paso. As your future self , high school senior Jacob, I'm just writing you to let you know how you should be ready for college.... Keep doing what you are doing, because I know you, since I am you. I know your aspiration of opening your own shop is truly strong. I know your hardwork throughout high school has paid off since you achieved your goal of becoming top ten percent. Now since you are on the brink of college, your life is truly about to begin. A journey through happiness and sadness is going to begin, challenging your determination and commitment to your goal of opening your own shop, but you will succeed. I, myself, haven't succeeded yet in opening up a store but we both have quite a while to go until we do that. Keep believing, because I know you can capture your dreams if you truly want, and I know you know that. As my last words, keep working towards the even bigger goal, happiness, for that is the thing I know you truly want most.


I would have talked myself to take more risks in my career and life, and just take more risks period. I’ve always played it safe and that lead to a little success, but if I had taken more leaps I would probably be in a way better position at this moment. Not only take more risks but also start applaying for scholarships since college is very expensive and not procrastinate and put it behind. I would have also talked myself into getting more involved in the community and into things that would help my future career.


Study a lot, better to what you are used to now, It gets tougher. There is no such thing as a break. Don't over pull all nighters.


I believe my advice to myself is always been the same. If I’m struggling, I will say don’t give up; at the end you will see success. However, now I don’t have financial aid anymore because I run of it, I will advise me to learn English on another school and with a cheaper tuition or apply for scholarships some semesters ago.


Our guest-speaker that day was Jason Valenzuela, the man I wanted to be. The recent college graduate mentioned experiences in his career that excited me like someone calling out lottery numbers I had chosen: debate team, policy-making, internship in the governor's office, study-abroad in Canada! I came out of the classroom thinking I had just met my future self. Everything that Jason Valenzuela had done, I would successfully do too. How perfect, my career laid before me. Still, why did I feel uneasy? In the hallway, I saw a familiar stranger coming out of the freshmen English classroom. When I saw his face, I had no doubt: It was me, about five years older. “What are you doing here?” I asked unafraid, like I talk to the mirror. “Teaching freshmen English,” he responded with a non-chalance that I did not yet own. "Teaching?” I asked. “Freshmen?” “... English,” he added with a benign smile. “But how, if I already decided to go into political science and then to law school, like Jason Valenzuela...” “Expectations,” he scoffed, looking into my eyes. “Think your future is determined? Wait and see. Time in college makes a difference.”


All the ammount of work you are doing is great. Study a little more for your SAT and your ACT tests. Join an organization called the collegiate double T, it will help. At first you will feel like you are useless, with all the ammount of work you have been doing in high school the firs semester of college wil feel like a breeze. Do not take Chem II lightly, it is no joke. You wil feel alone, all of your friends will be spread around the world, enjoy them for the time being. Volunteer at a local hospital instead of looking for a bad job, it will pay off when you apply to med school. And do not, for the love of god, take Phil 1301.


During my high school senior year, I was very immature. I did may things right, but I could've done better. The first advise that I would give myself would be to do more dual credit. My high school offered me that chance, and I did take advantage of it, but I could've done more classes. I only took two dual credit classes when I could've taken about six. Secondly, I would advise myself to look into scholarship opportunities, not wait for them. I had the wrong idea that colleges and universities would look for me and offer me opportunities just because of my academic standing. Wrong, very very wrong. I ended up graduating with no scholarship offers. Third, I was working fulltime and was at the same time very involved in an organization that took a lot from me. Consequently, I was extremely out of focus. School became my last priority when it had to be the first. Lastly and maybe most importantly, advise myself to think about the future, my career. I had no idea of what major I wanted to pursue. As of now, it worked out, but having a goal would've been better.


I would say to take advantage of those early credits that can be taken during high school and count towards college. To participate in more volunteer oportunities that would help during college. Investigate all carreer paths that are offered in the college you want to attend. Research everything that will be available to me as a college student that will help me succeed more in college. Use all the help the college offers such as tutoring for math, help with writtting papers, advising, counseling and everything.


Eldon, Looking back I dont regret anything. You have been as ideal as you posibly could be. Your freedom will come though education. The more you learn and study the better off you will be. I think you should be yourself. Be open about who you are don't waste another second or minute of yourself trying to make other people happy. If you are miserable then nothing matters. When mom and dad found out we are gay it went just as we expected and now I'm trying to earn and save up enough to get myself back in school. Honestly I wish it had happened sooner. The things they said to me were horrible but we knew they would be. So my advice to you is to be happy, work hard, and don't ever give up. Yourself, Eldon