The advice that I would give myself as a high school senior would be to try the hardest that I possibly could have. If I were to have tried harder in classes, particularly math, I would not have to be in a remedial math class right now. Unfortunately however, I slacked off for three years of high school and it truly has come back to kick me in the butt. If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would have forced myself to try harder and to strive for excellence, something of which I know I could do. I would also tell myself to start opening up more and talk to people that I do not know well because college is not only about receiving a higher education, but also gaining the social skills to communicate with strangers and people that you do not know too well. I can gurantee you, one-hundred percent that if I were to go back right now and talk to my previous self I would tell him to get his act together and to work his butt off. It truly does go a long way.
Dear past Marlene,
You will be attending college soon and I am quite proud of you. I want to let you know that college is a different world from high school. You may take your teacher's advice very lightly, but I am here to give you more in order for you to understand it better. When you enter into your classes make some friends. Some of these people will remain your friends for a long time. You may change your major once or twice, but remember this is your decision and NO the school colleges are not conspiring against you; they just have to go through a prodecure to make sure your classes transfer correctly. The last thing I want to let you know is have fun. Some of your classes may be tough, but remember to relax and take sometime for yourself. This is will help you in the log run to finish with the expected timeframe you have put for yourself.
Future Marlene
P.S. Invest in a good bike, lock and chain!
If I had to do it all over again I would suggest to my mother to take me out of school and do homeschooling instead. From my first hand experience I learned a lot from sports and my coaches and from social life in my religion. Also being a basketball manager, my coaches treated me like a student coach and I still use some of knowledge and skills they taught me today in my life. I also use my leadership skills from my religious social clubs into my everyday life.
Seeing as how I’ve always been one to sweat the small stuff and worry over the littlest things, I would tell myself just to relax a bit and not worry so much. I should just take everything a day at a time, try my best, and the rest will come naturally. Worrying will just make things worse and cause me to become more overwhelmed which will not help any situation whether it be with a class, job, or internship.
Don't sweat the hard stuff. Making friends may be hard for you, but it's worth it in the end. Trusting people can be difficult, but trust is only one part of a relationship. People will always try to push you down and keep you on the ground. You have to learn how to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and continue on as if nothing had happened. There will always be idiots in the world; you just have to have the patience to deal with them and ignore all their uneducated comments. The key to success is not knowlegde, but patience. You must be more like an ambush predator than a pursuant predator. You will never catch your prey if you don't have the patience to wait.
Marisol, take more seriously the ACT and SAT exams do not think that having good grades is enough, prepare for these exams if you want to get accepted into your first option university. Don't be scared, trust your English, and take double credit classes, believe me it's better to take them now, you could save money, finish your core classes faster, and start your major classes before.
Don't be shy about asking questions. Study hard and manage your time, but don't forget to have fun. If you go to UTEP take math1321 because math1319 will be boring to you, when you have writing assignments go to the writing center they will help you, and you will get better grades. When you want to study go to the rooms on the 1st floor in the Library. Rent your books to save money, and read before going to class.
Try to eat healthy and don't drink caramel frapuccino every day because you'll start to gain weight. Sleep 8 hours and don't stay awake late watching k- dramas because waking up early will be hard. Don't be stressed and enjoy your college journey.
Research all the possible careers you can study. There are so many careers that you are bound to end up in the wrong one if you're not careful. Don't waste your time waiting for the career you're meant to be in to come to your head, MOVE! Do as much as you can about everything and you'll eventually find what fits you best in school.
If I could go back and talk to my high school self I would tell her to stay focused, motivated and finish what you start. Work hard and always do your best is the best advice. If you always do your best you feel acomplished and fulfilled. Be sure to take advantage of all the help and resouces available to you and make the best use of your time. Take the time to get to know yourself and what kind of career path you would like and go for it. It would have been much easier to finish my college education 15 years ago before I was married with three children. There is so much more to juggle now that I have to support myself and my family. What ever stage of life you are in it always seem hard, but you do what you have to do to get it done. The last thing I would do is give her a hug and tell her good luck, work hard and it will all work out for the best.
As hard and painful as your adolescent years have been since trying to grasp with your OCD, while anxiously longing to fit in at school and truly express yourself, do not be dismayed! You have an abundance of gifts and talents that are waiting to be explored and developed. As challenging as it will be, give yourself a clean slate in college to make friends, believing that others will like you and see your wonderful personality and enduring qualities. Do not be afraid, but embrace with confidence and optimism all the good things campus life has to offer, like getting involved in an organization, having a newfound freedom away from your parents, meeting fresh, new faces, and most importantly, having the opportunity to learn! In a way, your life is just beginning now, as you set out on a road of self-discovery full of whole, new experiences. Last but not least, trust in God and His power to fill you with hope and assurance that your college years will be fun and enriching as long as you keep an open mind, work hard, and stay committed. Faith and love make all dreams possible.
Dear Hannah,
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength” –Corrie Ten Boom. Every sleepless night of worry and anxiousness will not contribute to your confidence level. Look in the mirror. You see that? You are beautiful and intelligent—and ready for college. Not all high school seniors have it together. They are nervous and excited, too, so do not feel lonely. Right now, focus on YOU. Focus on your education, your friends, your family your faith, and most of all, your happiness. Your happiness fades away the more you worry about college. Only you can make you happy. I know that sounds cliché (and as a sassy high school student I know I sound like your mother). But if you work toward happiness, nothing can stop you. I promise you are more than prepared for college. Your mind is strong, and your talents are sky high. Look within yourself and find that confidence and happiness. You are ready—you just need some courage. Just remember, only YOU can make you happy.