Brigham Young University-Hawaii Top Questions

What should every freshman at Brigham Young University-Hawaii know before they start?

Michael Angelo

College is not easy. If I had studied hard during my high school days, my life would have not been difficult in college.


If I could go back and give myself advice about college, I would make sure to tell myself to go over material at the end of day. An hour at the end of the school day to review what you learned and write it down will make all the differencei n remembering. I would tell myself to be more organized and to make study plans. That would have imporoved my grades in High School because it has improved my grades in University.


I would go back in time to tell myself about how to better deal with college life in general. Sometimes roomates are great and very easy to become friends with, and other times they are not so people-friendly and you may have a hard time dealing with constantly cleaning up after their messes. Staying up late to finish with all the homework and studying will become a regular thing...get used to it! It will be worth it in the end. Make sure you come to class prepared, meaning all the required material has been read and the assignment has been fully completed. I would also tell myself that I would enjoy college more if I looked for more opportunities to serve others. Beleive it or not, there are people everywhere that are having a hard time, and just a simple act of kindness could completely change their day or week. Be a friend to everyone, evven if they don't seem like they want to be your friend back. Making a difference in someones life is much more important than any A you could receive.


In high school you never have to worry about food and housing because your parents are there; enjoy it while you can cause once your in college the magic fridge is gone. Budget your money every month pay rent first and then take out some money for food and only use that amount for the month. Don't fling your money around with useless trinkets. Not every book that the teachers put on there syllabus they use, you don't have to buy all the books. Finish all your homework at the library before you head home cause your home nothing gets done homework wise. Find a phone service that is good so can call home and stay in touch with the school and your boss. Talk to your professors they will work with you as long as you are open with them.


I would first tell myself not to worry. I am a worrier and have a difficult time with change. It's a difficult point when you are graduating from High School to feel like it's such a big accomplishment but at the same time only the beginning. It's stressful to look at costs and make the ultimate decision of what do I want to do with my life. I would tell myself that a lot of college life is all about the experiences. It's about making the most of what you have. It's about doing your absolute best in all that you try. It's about having and making goals and working on them. This is the time of life that will help you become who you are and can become; no matter what you decide to do or where you decide to go. Enjoy it, work hard, and make the most of every day.


If I could go back to my senior year of high school I would tell myself to many things. First of all, I would tell myself to enjoy high school while I am in it. I wanted to get out of so fast that I was not able to truely enjoy freedom I had from having the adult responsiblities. Another piece of advice that I would give myself would be to study has hard as I can. When I went to college my freshman year, I thought that I knew how to study until I got my first test results back. Once I realized I barely passes I knew I was going to have to learn to study properly so that I would be able to get into nursing school. Also, I would tell myself to just enjoy being young. I rushed trying to get through college that now I realized I have not enjoyed my youth because I was stressed out to make good grades which by the way is not a bad thing, but most of my memories are sitting in the library studying.You only get one chance to live your life. Live it to the fullest!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to find a good balance between friends and having fun and doing shcoolwork. I would go out on more dates and try to surround myself with lots of different people so that I can learn to make more friends and be more outgoing . I feel that after going to BYU Hawaii it would have been beneficial to be more outgoing in making friends because once you get to college you are more on your own and you have to learn to make friends and put yourself out there. So, advice I would give myself would be to not care what other people think about me and be more confident in who I am by going out on lots of dates, hanging out with different people all the time and surrouding myself with people who care about me not by surrounding myself with people who I feel like I have to try to impress. Coming to college has made me realize that you really need to be confident and believe in yourself and do what's best for you.


Take every advantage you can to lead the perfect college experience. I know I have some regrets about not living in a dorm on campus or working on my grades to get into an amazing school and get offers for scholarships.


Let college help you decide what career path you want to take. If you make firm decisions before coming to college, you may lose out on some wonderful opportunities. Always do what is best for you. Professors are wonderful mentors, family and friends give great advice, but ultimately you have to choose the path that is going to suit you best. College is a time to take risks. Push yourself to a level that you never thought you were capable of before. You just might find yourself loving something that you never thought you could ever be good at before.


Looking back on my life as a senior in high school, it would be so amazing to be able to go back in time and tell myself to remember to enjoy the ride! I have always been a perfectionist and take my studies very seriously, but sometimes I feel that my overachieving dedication can be my downfall as I stress out all week and only take a step back to breath, let go, and just have fun, on the weekends. I wish I would have found a better balance between my experience of high school and my freshman year in college verses solely my studies and my GPA. Life is made for living, and once I graduate, there’s no looking back - it’s just me and the real world! So that’s why it’s so important to learn now, that balance of hard work, but still with a smile on my face willing to help others every opportunity I can get and remember to enjoy all that this life has to offer, for I never know when it may be my last! Life’s too short to be a stressed mess - get an education and enjoy every minute!