I have learned so much since I have graduated. While I do not regret my decisions, there are some things that I would have done differently. The main topics that I would advise my high school senior self would be to make an academic plan that includes long-term goals, take less breaks, and take advantage of all opportunities colleges have.
I did not take my career goals into consideration as I first went to college. When a major/career path is decided, talk to an academic advisor on the best way to reach that in a proper amount of time. Implement pre-requisite classes throughout your education so that they do not have to be taken after graduation. It is worth going to school straight through. Go full-time, not part-time. The sooner one graduates, the sooner bigger and better opportunities will come your way. BYU-Hawaii offers free counseling, career advisement, help with resumes, and more. See what is offered and use it to better yourself.
I knew what I wanted, but wish that I would have been told these things when I started college.
As a high school senior, academics, sadly, was not of top importance in my line up of priorities. Thus college was something I was going to do, but that was the end of my thought process surrounding it. I most definately did not take into account that the classes I was taking then would come in handy or affect my future. Now that I am fully submerged in my college career, I realize that I could be so much more successful if I had taken my high school education more seriously. Much of what I am learning now could be highly complimented by the things I learned in high school, IF I had retained any of it, or taken thought to its importance. So if I could go back and talk to myself as a senior, I would mention how essential academia really is and ask myself to take each course and lesson more seriously, so that in my later life, I could utilize the information I learned. All of which would ultimately get me further ahead in life!
If I could go back and give myself some advice about making the college transition, I would tell myself to open up my mind and heart to the infinite possibilities of change. Making the transition from high school in Atlanta, Georgia to college in Hawaii was rather extreme. I'm not sure what exactly could have prepared me for the culture shock other than the idea of being open to change. We tend to get caught up in the materialistic needs and wants of society and lose sight of what is truly important. Leaving my bubble of high school allowed me the chance to see another glimpse of the world. Learning from the diversity of this campus has opened up my perspective to understand different cultures and see the needs of other people instead of my own. The value of service is amplified here and it has taught me that focusing my time on myself in high school was a waste. I have learned the importance of helping others and living within your means. All of us are more blessed than we realize and learning that has been the greatest blessing. Having an open mind for change can bring greatness.
Dear Past SJ,
It's up ahead: the obstacle course before the fork in the road. I know some days it's going to feel unbearable and all you'll be able to do is float by. Don't you give up hope right here--because one day it will all be over. You will stand here and say thank you for every mountain that stood in our way. But if you don't get those feet moving again, everything will be lost.
You are bright. Get up and shine. You know what to do.
Love, Future SJ
I was graduated from Shorecrest High School in Shoreline, WA.
I like to be student at Shoreline Community College. And I 'm major Criminal Justice in College.
It is good to be student in Community College.
Putting more performance in studies. Although there is no obstacle to keep fighting with the goals we have proposed. It should be a good preparation to hold onto a decent fututro.
I would tell myself that time is everything. College requires that you prioritize and plan ahead. If you fail to do this, you suffer. The importance of making priorities is extremely important. It can mean the difference between a C or an A on a test. Another insight I would share is that popularity is a waste of time. Live to be yourself, not to impress others. You don't have time to be someone you aren't. Finally the most important, studying is vital. The more you study the better off you will be in the long run. Dedicating time and effort may not be fun or exciting, but in the future it will reward you quite nicely.
"Carly...Carly..." I look into the mirror at my past self. (Did I ever look that young? And I thought that haircut was cool?) "Heed my words, for I am from the future. I have sage advice for you from beyond the winds of time!"
"W-what the hell? What do you have to tell me?" She looks afraid and skeptical.
"Do not wait to continue your education. In my timeline, I waited until I was 24. I am now afraid that by the time my degree is done, I will be unable to have children. Our mother is an adult and can take care of herself. Don't think that only you can support her! Go to school after you graduate!"
"But what about-"
"Your destiny is to move to New York to be certified to teach. It's what you always wanted, and nobody can take it away from you. Stop bragging about how you're going to be a writer or a UN translator because you think it sounds more interesting. No one believes that would really hold your interest. Teaching others is what you're best at. Good luck, and I expect improvement in my time..."
I would figure out what major I wanted and get scholarships sooner.
Don't rush. Time is, indeed, of the essence. Always appreciate what you have now, and be willing to open up to new opportunities. Don't be scared of what is to come. Embrace life. Transitions are never easy, but they are possible. Keep moving forward. More importantly, be positive. You've made mistakes - but don't let them weigh you down forever. Learn from them; let them shape you into a better person and mold you into the person you are to be. You are great. You can do anything. Don't let your past hold you back, but use it to pave a better, brighter future for yourself. You are powerful beyond measure; who are you not to be?