University of North Texas Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known that i really needed a car.


I wish I had known how to ride a bicycle, because it seems to be the preferred method of getting around campus.


"What's your major?" Throughout the end of high school and the summer leading up to college, these words rang in my ears. It seemed like everyone had their lives figured out at the juvenile age of eighteen. I, however, was clueless. As move-in day approached, I felt more and more discouraged. However, when school started, I quickly realized that remaining undeclared for the first year and a half of my college education gave me a freedom that allowed me to explore each and every option with an open mind.


I wish I had known how much of a hassle transferring to the University of North Texas was going to be before I decided to do it. My new school is not as helpful as far as financial aid is concerned, and trying to figure out how my credits would transfer was completely drawn out. I also had to go through a second process of finding a place to live which was stressful.


How much college is so expensive. You never know your budject until you actually enter the campus. When your young and start to become independent you realize how hard it is. Especially without the help of your parents that you tend to be use too. When we are young, we tend to focus more apon the future and want to grow up fast. But, when the time comes you realize every thing is as easy as it seems. I enjoy being at future student at UNT. But just like at every University college it's not even close to cheap.


That I should have studied my spanish and math more so that I could have more space for minors.


I wish I would have known how big it actually was. There are classes that have 100 people in them which is definitely an adjustment. It is something that I am not used to because in high School we only have 30 students per class and it was the same my freshman year of college before I tranferred To Kent.


I wish I had known how difficult college would be. Everyone told me that college would require a lot of studying. I was prepared for that. No one told me I would have to pick up a full time job in order to help pay for all of the expenses. If I had known that, I would have started searching for a job before I got to UNT that fall. I wish I would have known how expensive everything would be so I could have planned better.


North Texans are really friendly so all the time I spent worrying about fitting in was a real waste of time. UNT is an awesome place to be!


I wish i had known how much college was going to cost. It turned out to be more than a burden for me as an independent adult.