University of Houston Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Houston?


There is nothing really frustrating about it. It's a huge campus so the walks in the rain are not always fun. However it's a very diverse school, so there are a ton of people from all over the globe that attend University of Houston. The campus is very eco friendly as well. The trees and grass are very pretty and green. We produce our own energy at University of Houston, therefore there are no powerlines anywhere on campus.


Maintaining your GPA


There's no frustration when it comes to classes and professors. There are plenty of resources we need to help us learn specific subject.


MY school has no activies that take place during the evening.


There are a few frustrations about my college. Some teachers can be the absolute worst teachers who have no idea what they are teaching about. It requires me to take more time out of my busy schedule to study. Having more hours necessary to devote to my studying takes away from hours spent studying for my MCATs or volunteering or even hanging out with friends.


The commute to school is frustrating. Also the lack of diverse food .


The most frustratind thing is that I live about 15 min away and I always have to be 45 min before my class starts because I can never find a parking spot, there is always problems with the parking. There is more students than parking spots at this University which is frustrating.


The University Studies Department Advisors, they are IDIOTS


Lack of student involvement, it is very difficult to make a thriving organization on campus because students are mostly concerned with their grades and future career. Add to this the fact UH is 85{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} commuter.


The most frustrating thing about my school is definitely the research papers. When one major's in the Arts, it impossible to avoid classes that are writing intensive. It becomes overwhelming usually towards the end of the semester.