My college experience has allowed me the opportunities to grow both academically and personally. The various types of classes allow me to expand my knowledge on certain topics, and learn about new subjects altogether. The classes also allow me to discover new subjects that interest me. The classes push me to challenge myself and because of this I have produced work at a level I never imagined I could. The social life on my campus has allowed me to join different clubs that involve my interests and even find new interests as well. The large student body has also allowed me to meet many different people from all walks of life and get to learn about their interests and values.
College has also been valuable because it has provided me with the chance to gain more independence. I have to balance my time to maintain my grades as well as participate socially, I have to get myself up for class on time and when I should go to sleep. The independence I have begun to gain will allow me to successfully transition into the work world after I complete college. These skills will aid me in all my future endeavors.
My experience in college has been overwhelming. The campus is so much bigger than my high school and everyone is hardcore dedicated to all their classes. I one day want to be self- disciplined like that. You do not see anyone fooling around, getting in trouble or just roaming around looking dumb. I have not yet attended my classes yet, they will start in the fall. But, I do value something already, being able to attend a college which I am sure that not everyone gets the chance to do.
My mother encouraged and instilled in all of her children that education was important because it had the power to expose us to new ideas, awaken passions that we never knew we had and it would teach us how to think. She shared with me a quote by Abraham Lincoln, paraphrased that education is not to earn a living but rather to teach us what to do with a living when we earned one. She also instilled in us that your education can never be taken away.
CND has been my best post secondary school experience. The college recruiter recognized and alerted me to my potential in education. At CND, I don't get treated as "just" a student, adult or professional, but I get treated with dignity and respect- like a real person and I feel as if I really do belong there. This is important because I work in schools with students who don't get treated with a sense of belonging and I feel that CND has nurtured a compassion that I can share with others. I love that the school embraces diversity, promotes and respects femininity and supports my faith which is essential to my being.
I have never attended college before. I would like to enroll into an online course as soon as possible.
What my college experince has taught me is that there is always room to further knowledge no matter what the topic maybe. What I mean by my statetment is that I am at an age where I thought I knew everything and didn't really see why I needed to further my education until after my first semester of school. It was after that I learned that there is no limit on knowledge there is always something more out there for you to learn. Learning this has become handy to me because I never excpect to much out of someone. I dont hold a conversation with them and assume they will have all the answers.
I will be a continuing student at Towson University for the Fall 2010 school year and I will admit my college experience was exciting and valuable experience. I have met to new people that have different backgrounds than myself which gave me more knowledge about a person and their own personal backgrounds. This allowed me to learn outside of the classroom without even opening a book which was exciting to me because I did not expect to learn from so many different people. My college experience is valuable to me becasue I come from a family inwhich most of my aunts, uncles, and cousins did not finish highschool., which I feel is unacceptable. I believe education is key to success in life and without it how can you conqour obstacles that may come your way? College gives me the opportunity to advance in life and conqour goals I have set for myself. New knowledge, self reliance, and persistance are key to my college experince which makes college a valuable place to attend.
I have learned to live on my own and be responsible for my own well being. I have to get all my work done without anyone telling me to and I have to do everything else in my daily life on my own that would have usually been taken care of at home by my mom.
I have gotten a lot out of my college expereince. A week before my classes started I was so nervous. I wanted to prolong college for as long as possible. However when I got here everything changed. The expereince was so great that it did not start a new chapter in my life, it started a new book as the completion of high school ended the first book. Towson is such a diverse place and because of this i am able to experience different cultures from all around the world. Any race or ethnic background, you name it, and Towson has a club for it. From Africa to Native Americans, to Asians, I have experienced each culture from the music to the food. I am so glad that I have decided to come Towson because Towson has taught me to step out of my comfort zone and take risks. I have learned that when you step out of your comfort zone you have a lot more fun, and in the end you become a well rounded individual.
Since going to school, I have definitely become more responsible and better with money management. I've made friendships that I am looking forward to continuing for the next 3 and a half years. The most valuable thing so far is the opportunity it has gotten me already as a freshman. I am currently volunteering in the Baltimore Aquarium's Animal Programs department. There I do a lot of dirty work; cleaning bird cages as well as snake and lizard cages, I help with enrichment, and cleaning and replacing food and water dishes. I get to do some fun things as well such as handling the snakes, lizards, and Sugar Gliders in presentations to the public and feeding the snakes inluding Boa Constricters and a Black Headed Python. From doing this I have also begun doing dolphin observations for the Baltimore Aquarium. For the observations I watch the nursey dolphin group during a 3 hour shift to evaulate how the pregnant dolphin is acting along with how the rest of the group is interracting with her. I enjoy doing both things very much and going to Towson University as Animal Behavior major has made these two things possible.
It takes alot of courage to attend a school alone after your four years with friends you have known for years. I must say my first semester was scary with no friends except my roommate who found a friend very quickly. I did hang around her when we saw each other but it was still difficult. You have to step out of your comfort zone and just get involved and meet as many people as you can, starting in clubs that you are interested in and just opening up to the other students in your class. In my last week of my first semester I finally spoke to this girl who sat next to me the whole semester. Guesss what? We are great friends today. Although I've only been there one semester I have learned it is easier not to go at it alone. Take the time to learn about the people around you.