The most important thing I would tell myself is to be myself. Do not go and follow behind others because I will be alone. I will meet new people and work finew with them. Being in the shadow of another person is not a way to live. I would also tell myself to really look at all of the opportunities that I can acqurie because of how special I am. Never take no for an answer and always thank the people who help you on the way. You will never know what might happen to them and if you will get the chance to thank them.
Knowing what I know now compared to what I knew coming out of high school, I would definitely have to tell myself to work harder. In my first couple years of college, I did not focus on my school work as much as I should have and my grades suffered for it. I had made it through high school doing very little homework and still succeeded and graduated with a pretty decent GPA. When I got to college and homework was no longer mandatory, I chose not to do it and by the time tests were to come around I would be lost and had wished I had kept up with the reading and done exercises assigned but not checked by professors. Because I learned this lesson the hard way, I am working harder than ever to get my GPA higher and to ensure that I will graduate just a year behind schedule.
You are going to meet some of the most fantastic people and ideas that will forever change the way you see life. Many of these people are already dead, but they are alive and wonderful in your textbooks waiting to meet you and spend some quiet hours telling you of fascinating things in this world. Some of your richest experiences will be when you are alone, with a book, getting ready for a paper and find yourself mentally chewing on such a great concept that you see yourself changing by the end of your paper.
In order for you to gain the most from your college experience you will have to stick to one rule only: Plan it. If you fail to plan and you will plan to fail. Plan everything starting before each semester begins. Plan what hours you will study what subjects, where you will study them, plan when you will go to bed, when you will wash your laundry, and when you will go shopping. Make copies of your plan and put them in places that you will regularly see. Write your major goals. Your goals are, after all, what you are going to college for.
I would give myself advice as follows:
1. Enjoy college for all that it has and all that it offers.
2. Plan your schedule and your schoolwork accordingly, so that you won't stress yourself out.
3. If you need help, ask for it. Don't be ashamed to ask.
Do not wait to go to college, go NOW! Apply EVERYWHERE and above all else, STAY AWAY FROM POP-TARTS!!!
Looking for a place that is not too big or too small is perfect. Do not worry about SAT's too much because it does not matter as much as the GPA. Do not get stressed out too much because you will enjoy yourself in any college.
Live for the moment. Don't do anything you don't want to do. Be yourself- the friends you make will like you for who you are, the ones who don't don't matter. :)
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, the most important thing I would tell myself is to stay focused and stay on top of my studies. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a strong academic performance as well as a social life for balance. In order to get where one wants to be, there has to be a lot of effort put in and a lot of hard work. I would tell myself that college is going to be very different from high school (coursework wise) and that there is no room for procrastination.
If you do it well the first time, you don't have to do it again. Make it count.
I would tell myself that in college it's totally okay to be who you are and that there aren't any excuses not to be. I would encourage myself to start opening up and not feel like I was in a shell.