Towson University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Towson University know before they start?


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would emphasize the importance of really doing well because GPA really does matter when you’re trying to apply to a competitive major, like Nursing. I would also tell myself not to skip classes, unless it’s a dire emergency, because our parents and guardians who mainly pay for our tuition have to work harder or sacrifice things in order to send us to a university and provide for our needs instead of their wants or needs.


Stay committed and work hard. College is about meeting new people and understanding new things. But it also takes work and serious commitment. It is an investment for life--make the most of your time!


I would tell myself to start saving up more money. I have a job on campus as a freshmen, but having money saved up would have made me more prepared for my dad to stop paying for my education. I would've also told myself that things will be okay. I've always been self sufficient and being a worry wart about how things would go in college didn't prepare me at all.


Looking back on who I was before I got here I would tell myself t to relax. I was really nervous about meeting new people and anxious about not knowing where things were and looking dumb. When I got here I came to realize that everyone is in the same boat and that it doesn't matter. Eveyone here is really nice and I had nothing to worry about.


Looking back I would tell myself to graduate from High school. I got my HSED later in life, and started College and got a Office computer Specialist degree and a CNA nursing degree. I finally decided I wanted to futher my education and get a Business degree. If I could I would tell myself to start College a year after graduation. I could have a Masters degree by now or a doctors degree. I also feel like my life would have been totally different If I had graduated from high school and attended college earlyer in life. Although I don't have a lot of regrets, I just wish I would have started things and gotten a lot of my education done when I was much younger. I could be retired by now or soon to retire from a good paying Job. I am seaking employment and attending college, when I feel if I would have went to college earlyer in life my future would have been much brighter. These are some of the many things I would have told myself to do if I could. I would have told myself not to get in a relationship so young.


Get organized and make sure you know why your there, to learn! It's easy to fall into the habit of putting off homework because it's not due for another week and a half, but it'll come right back to bit you in the butt when you're dealing with five different assignments due at the same time. Focus on the work at hand, the fun and leisure times will always be there. Also, apply for scholarships, apply for scholarships, apply for scholarships! There's no reason you should be worrying about how you're going to finish paying tuition while you should be focusing on school work when there are so many oppurtunities to aid in paying the cost! Finally, get to know the resources and people around you that are able to assist you in whatever you may need help with!


First: Don't stress! No one knows what they want to do with the rest of their lives while they're in high school, and that's ok. Your freshman, and sophomore, year of college is a great time to explore new things and find out what you really like to do. Students always change their minds and their majors. You don't have to know! Relax and allow yourself time to take classes about new topics, apply for internships, and see what fits you best! Second: You are not the only nervous person going into college. When your first days comes, everyone else is probably just as nervous as you are. Be yourself, relax, and you'll make friends and feel like you "fit in" in no time.


Do your best and don't allow yourself to be trapped. Do what you want to do, and don't let anyone tell you different


As a high school senior, I would go back and tell myself that although I lived somewhat a charmed life up til then, not everthing goes your way. You are not invincible. You will get sick. You will get bad grades. You will even cry sometimes. And those same times you may have to stand alone but as along as you are true to yourself, things will work themselves out eventually. I would also tell myself to try to save early so that I could accomplish some goals that have still yet to be completed. If you keep working towards your goals, they will be accomplished as long as you have the passion and drive to complete what you started. Transferring is the easy part , being true to yourself might be challenged. In the end experience makes you the expert. Good luck!


Never give up. Follow your dreams and make it happen because it can happen. Apply for as many scholarships as you can because it is not as easy as others lead you to believe. With every private loan that you apply for, you will need a co-signer no matter what people tell you and it is not easy to find a co-signer.