Miami Dade College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Miami Dade College know before they start?


Celestine going inot the college life is not easy as you may think. In order to do well in college you must be successful in high school. There will be people there to guide you through a lot, but you will get know where unles you try. College is different from high school in many ways but when you get there you may say its just the same. True. They both require you to do a lot of work for you to be able to acheive your goals.


Make sure you stay on top of all your classes and don't let your self think you have an "A" just because the work you;ve turned in seems easy. Maintain constant communication with your Professor. Get you books after the class has started to verify wether or not you actually need it. When necessary go the extra mile to raise your GPA. Don't take any classes you're not sure you'll be able to handle. Finally, be cool, it's not as bad as everyone says it's going to be.


As I sat here in the library, I thought back on the things I could have done better in high school. There were many things I would have changed if I knew College was going to be this different. In high school, I would have advised myself to strive to get a higher grade point average. The reason why is because instead of me attending a regular college, I could have been enrolled in the honors college. The honors college isn't that much different but I believe I would have recieved a more challenging education. Next, I would have joined tons and tons of clubs and extra curriculum activities. In order to be in charge of special events or president of anything you have a better chance if you were socially active. If I could go back and give myself advice, it would be to hang out with the right type of people. This is important in college life because its imperative to study and actually apply it in your college career. I believe if I could have changed these things I would have been better then what I am now.


The advice I would give myself is make an effort to continue my education and do not be like all my other friends. I would apply for schools like crazy to see which school would accept me there. Then I would scarfice to talk to my counselor at school to help me with scholarships ,financial aid, and whatever else is needed for college life. Also, build myself with knowledege to benefit my life as a whole so others can tell I am growing up and I'm not a little girl anymore. They can also see that I made my own decision as to college life and the college of my choice so that way I can be college free without anyone telling what to do and how to do it, I will be my own person so I can learn on my own.


The advice I would give myself is that Miami Dade College should be my first choice in colleges to attend. This would be the advice I would give myself because, the cost of tuition at this school is not bad, and the professors are great. Florida Memorial should not be the school that you want to attend. Mainly because, the tuition is ridiculous. By telling myself this, I would save myself from owing thousands of dollars in loans.


I would have to say knowing what I know now I would say that you should go to the campus and get the correct information for the degree you will be studying. Make it a habit to study in high school because when you get into college you need to study a whole lot. Also get ready to be independent because you need to deal with situations on your own when you get to college no more mom and dad to help. Getting used to the fact that nothing is free, books, tuition, etc. Also I never worked during high school so I would tell myself to get a job already so I could have the experience of working and going to school at the same time that way I would know how to manage my time better. And last but now least learn how to make the right choice when it comes to friends. They can influence you in ways that you don't realize and get you on the wrong track. Choose them wisely or just be independent and get what you need done so you won't have any distractions.


I would have tried harder to get A's in my first two semesters so my GPA would be higher know.


Knowing what I know now about college life and I could go back in time, I would adviced myself to learn how to cook. As a result of lack of time management, I would go to fast food restuarants to eat lunch or dinner and sometimes both almost on a daily basis. In addition, I could have saved alot of money if I just ate at home instead eating out all of the time. Also, my health would have been better if I didn't eat junky foods all of the time. Thus, I could have avoided the "freshman fifteen pounds" during my first year of college.


I would tell myself to continue the good work, but you still need to try harder. It does not take much to get from in front of the television and spend some time studying. i would tell myself to continue doing community service because it is very important and it makes you feel so fulfilled. i would tell myself to keep your head up. dont worry about if you are ready or not for college. Stay focused, and dont resist to have fun and try new things.


stay focus and dont give up your dreams