When you first enter the college life you realize you're on your own and you get the opportunity to earn value of lifetime, because that is what college is for many and especially me it's the last stop before true adulthood. This is the last chance to learn new things, develop your persona, and open your mind to new ideas on fulltime basis and I believe I took full advantage of this. Various subjects in various fields tested my patience, dedication, and persistence but I enabled myself to be exposed to what different fields of study along with perfecting my own and was shown just how challenging in different ways everyone's path really is. It helped me develop my character, enhance my skills, and prepare me for what I belive will be a very successful career in the hospitality industry. College for me has been the final stop to the rest of my life and I value the experience, exporuse, and knowledge it provided me has been truly irreplacable.
What I have learned so far in these past five months at Full Sail University, have been so crucial to the development of my skill set needed to obtain a great career. I have learned so many things in such a short period of time. The knowledge that I am gaining will help me set a great foundation in my design work. With this foundation I will be able to hone my skills to perfection and become a great designer. It is so crucial and valuable for me to attend this school to learn, practice, and prove that I can achieve greatness. Once I graduate I will have the necessary tools and credibility to get a great job and be able to support my pregnant girlfriend and I. Without my education I will not be able to achieve my goals.
I have gotten so much out of my college. Professional Development, to utilize my skills in my work feild. The career services administration faculty is just amazing. The insrtructor's on Campus make the time for one and one if we dont get anything. Out of the time I've been attending here I have learned just so much accounting and business 103, basic general education classes. I love my college and so happy I am attending SJVC.
I have not attended yet but, i intend to in January. I hope i will get everything i need out of my collage experience. I am not the only one counting on me. My three children will also benifit from it because i will be able to provide for them more than what i can now. They are my srive for excellence energy. I see them and know i can do what ever i want to as long as i put my mind to it and i intend to. I know i will do well, I know i will finish and succeed. I do not want to be a failure in anything which is why i decided to look for scholarships. I love the career field i chose and i know as long as i am focused i will get everything i need to out of my education. I chose a wondreful school and have the best three reasons to attend.
College has reminded me about dedication and responsability. Dedication to attend school and keep up good grades and at the same time, take care of your own financial responsabilities. The most important thing that I've learned is: It doesn't matter how much time you spend studying. What's important is what you learn within that context of time.
I have worked my whole life as a unskilled laborer. With the recent recession I became one of the many victims to fall into a unemployed status. After months of unsuccessful attempts to be re-employed it was clear that just having a high school diploma was no longer sufficent. I needed to improve my education level in order to obtain the edge needed to gain employment.
The first step was to map out a game plan which included returning to school at a higher education institute. Since I have always had a passion for plants the natural choice was to major in agriculture. After reviewing several school potentials I decided upon applying and have been accepted for a AA degree in Landscaping and Nursery Technology at Anoka Tech with classes beginning on January 10, 2011. The school has a excellent program for my major as well as a high placement percentage.
I have confidence that after graduating my potenial for improving and stabilizing my financial position will greatly improve as well as having the opportunity to present a positive impact in my community.
My experience at Full Sail has been nothing short of inspiring. The work load is hard, but I can honestly say I have learned something new every day. Full Sail has prepared me in every aspect of the field I am entering, and has also well prepared me to work with people from all different backgrounds in a group setting. This tool is invaluable, and it is a tool I feel most universities do not offer. For a student that is truly looking to succeed in an art profession, I would highly recommend Full Sail. I often walk Full Sail Universities Hall of Fame, and when you see all the Grammy's and Academy Awards there from previous students, you get this historic feeling that you are in a place where you not only belong, but a place that is propelling you towards something great.
Through attending this school and taking the classes that are required to graduate I have learned more than I ever thought I would. I actually can say that I literally love going to school everyday and every class I have taken I learn something knew. All my teachers are in the work force and it's great to actually learn from people teaching something that they actually do as their job. It makes the experience so much more real and enables you to feel as if you are really learning something and will be ready to enter the work force upon graduating.
This is my first month but I know the experience here would be great and really helpful in the future. The school is made for me and I am get all the education I need in the fild of my choice.
I have just recently enrolled at Full Sail University and have not yet begun my course work. However, I am very excited to start and prove to myself and others that I am capable of performing the required tasks and assignments to succeed in my chosen field of education. I am planning to excel in their Recording Arts Degree Program because I have always been very interested and in tune with most types of music. I am positive that by 2012 when I graduate from the program I will possess the neccessary knowledge and tools to enter the entertainment industry and bring a much needed service to the business.