Decide as soon as possible if you are going to grad school. If you are don't spend all of your money on your undergraduate degree. Finacial aids and scholarships are a must.
Finding the right college is the most important part of a person's life. The college you graduate from will determine who hires you, who respects you, and who disrespects you. Take the time to find the one that fits you best, and spend the money to go visit. The college I attend actually gave me a "travelers grant" to compensate for cost of traveling when I got accepted. It is also important to make the most of the time you spend at school. Don't just sit in your room all day playing computer games like I did my freshman year. There are always things to do set up by the RAs, fraternities, community delevopment programs, and religious communities at all times of the day, so there's no excuse not to meet new people and try new things.
I would advise students to look for the school that best fits what they want out of life. Your college years are the ones that you will look back on for the rest of your life. The college you choose is very important to this. If you feel that you will fit best in a school then go for it. Do as much research as possible. Perform this research not only based on academics but also your other interests as well. It is just as important to be involved in your campus community as it is to perform well academically. Also, research scholarships and financial aid available at all schools in order to make a well informed decision. After you have narrowed down your choices attend an open house to get acquainted with the schools you are most interested in. I would advise that parents support their children in the choice they make. If a child feels unsupported they may choose a different school and end up miserable. Trust that your child has learned from you and a capable of making a good decision.
There are three questions you need to ask yourself when selecting a college. What do I want to obtain from my college experience? What do I want my major to be? How hard do I want to work? From these three questions you'll know what kind of school you want to go to. If you want to party, watch awesome division 1 football games, take a standard major, and do enough work to get by then you're probably looking at one of the larger schools. If you want to form lifetime friendships probably a smaller school. If you want to hang out in small social settings a smaller school would be better too. What I found most useful was that I wanted a school where my teachers would know who I am so I chose a small school. However, I'm going to a big school for grad school. There's better funding at large schools. You just need to think about what you want to happen in college and how the schools you're looking at can help you. If you're shy you'll probably just get lost at a big school. Best of luck.
Make sure you are studying something you like and don't worry if you change your mind, it will all work out in the end.
The best way to find out if a college is right for a student is to visit it. For me, the second I arrived at Florida Tech, I knew it was the right school for me. If a student knows what they want to major in, taking a tour of the department which they will be in is a great way to get a feel for what the labs and classes will be like for them in the future. Talking to current students about grading, projects, fun, professors, students, etc. is the most useful resource since they are active members of campus life. Make sure that the university seems like it's willing to always help students when they need it. In my opinion, a school that has a strong alumni association is a good indication of the quality of schooling a student will recieve. If these alumni often give back to the university, it's usually an indication of career success, which is SUCH an important aspect of chosing a college. Attending a college with a high percentage of students immediately entering the work force is a definite plus. Think about the future.
Make sure that you look over every school very carefully before making a decision and look at the financial aid package that each school offers.
The most important part of choosing a college other than if it has the right program for you and cost would be to find the college that fits you as a person. You must know what your limitations are as far as commitment to a degree. Most people switch their degrees in their undergraduate years so finding college that easily allows that transition is important. Also the limitation that you set on yourself as far as studying and research is important. Many times people think they can handle a work load which they end up finding they simply cannot at a certain college. The easiest way to find the right college is to visit and talk to various people. Talk to the professors, of not only the degree you want but some others also, talk to the athletes and club members. Anyone you talk to is a part of the university and represents a part of it.
the right college is always the one that best suits what you love to do, Not always a highly ranked college is the best way to go. It may be highly ranked in bussiness but not engineering and if you major in engineering then what?