To find the right college that you want to go to, get as many scholarships as you can, and try to make the best out of your college years! ^_^
I would say that parents should let their children choose the school they would like to attend, with their help. The student should choose their school for all the right reasons though, because if they don't, their college experience will not be as enjoyable as it should. The school should somewhat reflect the student's values, goals, and the environment should be very postive. They should also look into the campus life, because campus life plays a big role in the college experience. The important things to consider when choosing the right college include population, location, intended major availability, values, and activities. Also, have fun when making this decision, because college is the beginning of your life!
Follow your first mind, never have regrets, but choose wisely.
The best advice that i could give to students is to make sure that you make your own choice! Never allow someone elses opinion to persuade your choice because you are the one who has to live with the outcome. My advice for parents is to allow your new college to grow up and trust that they will make the best choices for their success. College is the first step to becoming a responsibile adult and you want to see how they re-act to it, be supportive and non-judgemental. If everyone works together for a greater good and prepare (as a team!) for the obstacles that are bound to come, there is no doubt in my mind that you college experience will be a successful one.
You should choose the school that best fits you and will offer u money to succeed. Make sure you can see yourself at that campus for awhile.
Try and pick a school that makes u feel like you are at home, by this i mean it should be a warm home feeling so you can adjust to the surroundings and be focused on school.
In my opinion, you should find a small college where the tuition is affordable. If you are very focused on your work and really care about your future, a small college is the way to go because at a small college, versus a big college, you can get one-on-one help from your professors and not have to go to the secretary when you need help. You should also find a college that offers a variety of resources for students to take advantage of as well.
Look into the student life ask the student how the the classes and campus life I say students because your mom or dad won't be attending it wit be you as a student see what the school can offer an do for you and also what u can bring to inprove the school college is what you make it no one will have the expirence you will have so make it a good one
As an undergraduate, I?ve experienced many things that have impacted my life both in and outside of the classroom throughout the year. I have seen how other students poor classroom habits have encroached on my learning within the classroom. I have had to deal with poor attendance of classes as well as classroom disruption. This in turn has slowed down the flow of our syllabus thus making me feel as if I am being deprived of valuable knowledge. This has matured me in a manner of being more productive with my study time as well as visiting the professors during office hours to learn the material. This is in determination to strive to do the best I can. I have learned to not let outside distractions stray me away from my academic goals.