Students in high school have many decisions to make that affect the rest of their lives. For a lot of seniors in high school, education is not taken seriously enough because of the social pressure felt during such a critical time. If I could go back in time and talk to myself during my senior year of high school, I would make it known how important and serious this time was to create a strong base for my continuing education. I would sternly say to myself, “get the best possible grades in school now, to prepare yourself for college and life.” I would also urge myself to grasp the concepts of my education the best I could to avoid the struggles of re-learning the same concepts later in college. The last advice I would give to myself when I was a senior in high school, is to put my education first and my social life last. Working to provide income for my education has been extremely difficult. Had I been more serious as a senior in high school, the hard work would have paid off and I could have made it much easier for myself in my present enducation.
If I could go back in time I would have forced myself to work harder. I would have gone that extra mile and took that extra big step. I would tell myself to focus more and take it more seriously. I would have went to my teachers for the extra help so that I could have had an "A" instead of the average "C". I would have worked so much harderso that my grades reflected my ambition and drive. Good advice I would tell myself would be to look into schoolsand universities around me so that I could get a better understanding as to what I was really about to get myself into. Also so that I could have a better understanding as to everything that was requireed of me so that I could have been prepared.
The advice that I would give to myself would be for me to work harder and join mor activities. I would want my self to be apart of so many more clubs and orginizations to; a. make my people skills better, and b. I would have a greater grasp on teamwork and what comes along with that resposibilty. I would tell myself to dedicate more time to my studies because being a high school student and a sophomore student is a significant difference, and if I knew then what I know now, I would have prepared myself for the workload that would be in my near future.
As high school comes to an end think about going to community college for GED classes then transfer. No matter what you teacher and counselors say. It would save you a lot of money and time. Most importantly think carefully about the University you would want to transfer to since your health is a big deal. You might not want to be close to home but think of the distance you would need to travel to see friends and family. High school is not one bit similar to college teachers will not remind you about homework or projects deadlines. You will be all on your own. This is were major responsability comes into play. If you dont learn to manage your time now it will bring you down in college. Just like if you procrastinate you will be hurting later. So just think about what I said and dont like you have to take a big leap in to the UC system just yet. And one more thing get involed, ask questions and get help when you need it.
If I knew then what I know now, I would myself to research and apply for all the scholarships possible. There are so many scholarship opportunites that re not taken advantage of.
The advice that I would give myself would be to apply yourself. Its very easy to get caught up in campus life, your friends, and other social events. With that being said its very easy to slack off and loose sight. So i would say to stay focus and really know what you are there for. I would also say get involved in programs for the betterment of your campus. Your school year is what you make it. Your campus is what you make it. Bring your creativity and ideas to the board and work for it. Once again you can achieve it if you work for it.
Dear Self,
Don't be in a rush to grow up. There will be time for that later.
Go to college, enjoy your classes, get good grades! That GPA will haunt you later, even if it is a 3.0.
Take all of the general education classes at the beginning of your time in college. Those classes, for example, Speech and English, will help you in the other classes later. Don't be afraid of Biology. That class will be one of your favorites!
Volunteer, meet new people, and explore your options. Almost completing once degree, and then changing your major because you fall in love with a foreign language and another culture, while interesting, will set you back several years while you take classes for the 'newly discovered' major.
Enjoy your teachers, they will be great friends, and people to go to when you need advice. When you have graduated out of the fish bowl and into the shark infested ocean, you will miss the good times, the bad times, and the really ugly times, however, they will all be wonderful memories.
Enjoy life Self..and live it to the fullest!
If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would emphasize the importance of academic responsibility. I would instill a much stronger work ethic as well as a stronger sense of moral responsibility. I would let my high school self know that you can't always talk yourself out of a messy situation that you're the cause of. I'd tell myself that college is not only the chance to party and have fun, but it is more importantly the opportunity to find oneself and realize our own greatness, gain skills and learn lessons that will help us to become productive members of society.
I would tell myself not so place a lot of pressure on myself in college. I have wonderful parents who raised me to know right from wrong. In order to be successful in college, remember all that they taught me an apply it to my new environment.