I would tell myself to become a National Merit Finalist and focus more on my SAT scores, since students are basically summed up on a application by their tests. Baylor puts alot of weight into these scores and I would have loved to receive more financial aid. On the subject of financial aid I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships. However, I am glad for these life lessons and have helped my younger friends to apply to college.
Believe in yourself, your talents, your strengths, no matter what your parents say. You are here to live your life, not anyone else's and do not ever give up on yourself, even when things become tough. College can be difficult, and there are challenges you are going to have to face, but never be afraid to ask anyone for help. You need to climb out of your shell and not be afraid of success, and likewise, you should not be afraid of failure. With every failure, you will learn success. You are incredibly smart and creative, you just never had an outlet to express that and never had a mentor to guide you through the process of becoming who you were meant to be. Close the door on a painful past and open the door to a future that holds so many wonderful possibilities. Even if no one else believes in you, you need to believe in yourself. It's going to be a long and tough journey, but you will make it there. I have faith in you.
High school is everybody's playground. Some people sit in the dirt and sweat in the hot sun while others make the best of their time sliding on the slide and playing tag with other kids. College is like a whole separate world; it is an extremely different experience. College is about taking the initiative and making it exactly what you want it to be. Don't worry about moving out and moving away from home- leaving your family will be difficult, nobody will argue against that. But soon, if you open your eyes and let things play out as they are supposed to, you will find yourself surrounded by an entirely new family who all bleed the same colors as you do. Green and gold baby, green and gold. Sic 'em!
I'd tell myself to stop slacking off and learn more about my dream colleges, learn more about scholarship opportunities before it's too late, figure out how to cook before entering college, enter as many competitions as you can because the experience is phenomonal, don't buy that frozen burrito dinner, and stop arguing with the little sister because she's all you have and she's going to miss you dreadfully when you go off into college next year.
I would tell myself that college is the most important thing no matter what obstacles come your way. I would also explain to myself that although it may be VERY hard at times, do not give up because it won't always be that way and the reward in the end is definitely worth it in the long run.
Just as stagnant water becomes stale, a dormant person becomes lifeless. If I could go back in time and give advice to high school me, I would tell myself to continue. I would say, “Continue to be yourself, to move forward, and to learn.” First, I would say how important it is to continue being my own person throughout life. If you change who you are to please people, they will never know who you truly are, and eventually, you will forget who you really are. Second, I would advise to persistently move forward. Even if I am unsure of where to go, standing still is unacceptable. It is best to continue moving, growing, and improving in my life. Lastly, I would instruct to continue learning. To continue learning requires staying open-minded to ideas that might be contrary to what one already believes. But to continue learning means to continue seeking truth. I have learned many lessons in the three years I have spent in college. I have grown more mature than I was in high school. If I could have given myself advice about what to do when beginning college, I would have told myself to continue.
If I could go back in time and talk to the high school senior Kayla, I would have so much advice for her! I would tell her to not stress out over college applications and decisions because Baylor is the best place for her. I would also show her the future courses I would have to take in college and create a better plan for when/what semester to take them because my advisor did not advise me well enough my freshman year for what classes to take. I would let her know that she just needs to work extremely hard her first year to set a good foundation for her gpa and be open and friendly to everyone she meets!
Your senior year of highschool is arguably your best and worst year. It begins with excitement because you are finally one of the leaders of the campus. The first few weeks you feel unstoppable as you and your friends chant "SENIORS" during every passing period. Unfortunately, all too soon, you develop "senioritis." You begin to give up, and you beg to get out. The yearning for the college life beckons you and haunts you daily. Your classmates begin to annoy you, and all you want to do is "get out of this town." Little do you know, you'll soon wish to have that time back. Graduation passes quickly and before you know it you are thrown into the "real" world, or at least as real of a world as you've seen so far. At college you have to balance your school work, your social time, running errands, and even hopefully find a little time to sleep. If you aren't careful, your freshman year will be gone before you even get a handle on it. Time is a delicate thing. I know you want this year to fly by, but please SLOW DOWN. College is worth the wait.
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
Hey you. I know you’re scared. I know you’re excited. I know you’re anxious. I know your emotions are cascading down upon you and everyone else around you, and rightfully so! Of course you’ve heard it a thousand times: live your life for you. Here’s something though: the friends you’re going to meet, the experiences you’re going to have, and the chances you’re going to take are going to be of a whole new caliber. The one thing you will learn about life is that it goes on, with or without you. Your catastrophes are meaningless to the rest of the universe. You’re about to enter a world where you can start anew. Don’t worry about those who are judging you. Don’t sweat the small stuff. So dance because no one is watching, sing because no one is listening, and live life because no one else will live it for you.