University of Kansas Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known all of the expenses. A Division 1 university like Kansas is obviously expensive, but a lot of my costs came after my loans had been taken out and I had been awarded scholarships, and were very unexpected. I had to pay for them out of pocket, and am now short those funds I had saved up in the beginning. Knowing I needed to watch out for those nickels and dimes that popped up would have saved me a lot of time and money.


About the numerous amounts of scholarships available to me, especially grants and other financial aid packs that would make the coverage of cost so much easier on me and my family.


I wish I had been more aware of scholarship sources, help rooms, tutors, and just more overall tools that help students master material givcen at the university.


I wish I would have known my Dad was going to lose his job. Being from Iowa makes me out-of-state which makes the tuition ridiculous. Now that my Dad got laid off I feel that going to this school is becoming a hassel to pay for. I wish they would have better financial aid for students who are out-of-state, especially if their parents/grandparents are alumni.


I wish I had known the correct curriculum for the school of architecture, design, and urban planning. I applied for the school of fine arts which went through some reforms and became the school of architecture, design, and urban planning. I was told I would stay on the same curriculum even after the change. However, many credits from my first year of college and credit I had coming in were moved to electives and I no longer have room in my schedule to take classes that interest me such as printmaking and ceramics.


I wolud like to know more about how the class are organized. How the grades are organized . i would also like to know more about the camopus before coming .


Something that I wish I would've known is how some of the faculty are so passionate about their job. I have teachers who give their e-mail, phone number, and are welling to see you whenever they capable to help. Yes, I ended up attending the university at the end but my decision wouldn?t have been as difficult if I would've been more aware of this.


People can sense your fear: if you want to join a group or do something, go right ahead and do it!


Being the only one from my graduating class to come to the University of Kansas, I wish someone would have told me to branch out and try new things. There are so many activities going on it's hard to take it all in at times, but the only way to truly find out who you are and the things you enjoy most, is to try EVERYTHING. It may seem like a waste of time at first, however by the time you graduate, you'll be able to look back and truly appreciate all the experiences you had.


I wish I had known how much snow they can get in the winter or how good of a workout you can get from walking all the way to class up the hill.