College is very different from high school. In high school, it is easier to do a million different extra curricular activities and still maintain a high GPA with ease. In college, you have to be focused from day one. As soon as you get behind in a class or do not perform well on a test, it is hard to climb the hill to get back on top of your grades. Stay focused!
I wish I had known about the construction that was coming up on the Hill. The dorms are located there, and they are putting up two new ones, which is taking up all the parking. One of the older dorms will be torn down, but until then (after the 2014-2015 school year) parking is going to be horrible. Plan on having to walk to and from parking frequently. It's a minor problem, but it is pretty inconvenient.
I wish I had known about the amount of outside work one has to do. The classroom time is wasted by the professors talking about one subject for the entire period.
Let me start by informing you how naive I was as a high school student. My senior year, I learned I was moving to Kansas from Illinois. I thought to myself, "I want to stay with my family so I guess the only wise decision is to go to KU." I wish I wasn't in such a rush to go to the University of Kansas, because I probably would have actually been able to afford it if I started at a community college. I could have found a major in that time.
I wish I had known that it is ok to not declare a major your first day of class. I started out as a Dental major and quickly realized I do not like science. I am now a Business major and have loved my courses, but that may change. My step-mom attended KU so I was very prepared and new the campus.
I wish I would have known more about Greek life of the University level.
I wish I knew that my school had a very lengthy and confusing study abroad process.
I wish I would have known how difficult the gen eds really are, and how much everything costs from an actual student's viewpoint.
I wish I would've known what studying for college was like in comparison to high school. I came from a very small, rural high school where studying was very easy and didn't take long at all, and heading to a big, public university was a huge transition for me. I had to teach myself new ways to study, and it was very taxing my first year at school. It was very stressful, adapting to the college workload and the studying it required. Now, however, it's fine, and I feel I can tackle anything.
Before going to the University of Kansas, I wish I would have known how competitive the graduate programs are. This would have given me more motivation to strive harder my first semester. It would have also encouraged me to open up to my professors more for help right off the get go.