Before I came to the University of Kansas, I wish I had know more about financial aid and classes (in general). I didn't know a lot about what financial aid is out there and it has been difficult enrolling in classes because there are so many options that I'm not sure which classes I would or wouldn't like.
Honestly, there is nothing that I didn't know that I wish I would have. It is not that I had such an extensive knowledge of the school, but rather the only surprises that I have gotten have been positive.
There's really nothing that i wish i would have known before coming to this school, it accepted me as i am and embraced me as a fellow student.
I wish I had known that on-campus living is pretty crappy (don't apply to live in GSP, guys!). I also wish I'd known more about the honors college, about the general education requirements that the school has (they're really oddly specific, especially for a state school), and about the department I was going into.
That it does not matter what other students think of you. Work hard. Do your own work and take responsibility for your own actions. Things don't just happen to you, in general the things that" happen" to you are largely of your own making. There is no one to blame for anything but yourself in the end: good or bad.
I wish that I had known how great it was going to be. I would have been a lot less miserable in high school with that to look forward to.
I wish I had better planned how to pay for my tuition. I am in a lot of debt from already taking out too many loans. I came from out of state and do not have the help of my parents, so I am not going to be able to pay for next year or stay at KU if I don't figure something else out. I've made great friends, have a degree I want to finish, live in an awesome house close to campus... it's all amazing but money is constantly an issue.
I wish I had known the fantastic opportunities available at this university campus, located just 45 minutes from my hometown. I wish I'd taken a closer look at the preparation opportunities available for me as an undergraduate to pursue a career in the health/medical professions. I now know about the strong Doctorate of Physcial Therapy program that the University of Kansas offers, including many clinical opportunities. I have observed at the JayDoc Free Health Clinic and hope to help there directly as a student and practicing physical therapist.
I wish I would have known more about the dorm and dining programs. When I went on campus visits, the tour guides emphasized soley the benefits of living on campus, when in reality, my current residence is just as close to campus as the dorms were, and I save more money.
I wish I had known that it is ok to say no. There are so many opportunities to be involved and become a better student and person that you forget that you can't do everything. KU is the land of opportunity, we are constatnly built up to be ready for the "real world" and we are forced to learn time management.