University of Chicago Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Chicago?


-UC students spend all their time studying and they have no social life or social skills.


Really awkward (it's true), really serious, crappy parties.


U Chicago students are considered nerdy, awkward, not personable, unsocial, and smart. U Chicago is known as the place where fun comes to die.


When I decided to come to this school, I was aware of the University's reputation for having a bad social life. I couldn't imagine that any school of this caliber could really be that bad socially--I figured as long as there was an intelligent, diverse student body, I could always find my niche.


We're nerdy, we have no social skills, we live in an ivory tower. U of C students spend all their time studying - this is the place where fun comes to die. The quarter system means more work. The South Side is scary.


Geeky, religiously academic, intellectual, anti-social, elitist, rich, able to readily discuss any topic at an intellectual level, un-athletic, brilliant, and a lacking in personal hygiene.


Extremely nerdy and somewhat anti-social, as well as hyper-competitive academically.


Nerdy, anti-social. Often very self-centered, especially when it comes to time.


Nerds. Bad social skills. Depressed. Brilliant. Masochistic.


Everyone says UChicago kids are huge weird nerds.