University of California-San Diego Top Questions

Describe the students at University of California-San Diego.


My classmates at UCSD are very motivated and goal-oriented. They are people who strive to be the best in their academics.


Don't take AP tests lightly, actually try on them. Also learn how to study and work hard because college is nothing compared to most high schools.


My classmates are mainly shy and timid, but very calculating and analytical.


Cutthroat competition, very focused.


My classmates are all very studious and seem to know how to set their priorities straight. I went to a community college and transferred here so the level of academia is significant. People are less willing to miss a class, classmates are helpful, and resourceful.


I feel like there's a mix - some are great, some are funny and some are harder to get along with.


competitive and kind


My classmates pay attention and strive to do well and succeed.


The school is very big, but you will find your niche of friends easily, just get involved, some people are lame and study all the time, some people drink all the time, its up to you who your friends are.


Classmates work hard when needed, have fun when they can, and enjoy all the campus has to offer; UCSD kids know how to balance work and fun, and because of this are well-rounded individuals.