Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That all of the opportunities can be overwhelming. Stay focused, know what you are looking for, and go for it.


I wish someone would have told me how hard it is to be on your own. All the bills you have to pay with little to no help.


That I couldn't really affort it


Nothing, I knew what it was going to be like.


I wish I knew that you can't breeze through college like you can high school.


That class moves very fast and that one could fall behind very easily. People have to remember why they came to school and that is to get an education. We can make friends later a lot easier than we can get an education later.


Before I came to this school, I wish that I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my career. There were so many options and classes available that had I had known, I would've been able to better craft a curriculum that was tailored to my own personal needs.


Since Im majoring in Elementary Education I wish I knew that OSU did not offer certification after achieving your Bachelors Degree. I believe the main purpose in doing this is so that a higher education standard is set for students shooting them for their Master's Degree. While I agree getting your Master's is very beneficial in the state of Ohio and in academic success, I wish there was a better option. Some students never plan to get their Master's degree or do not have the funds to continue another year. Many teachers want to start with experience!


Practicing your instrument daily is a MUST.


How to get around.