Register for college right away. Don't take time off because you will continue to make excuses to delay going to college. The longer you wait the more information you lose. Remember to be confident and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. Many times during college you will want to give up because it gets hard, but don't. There wont be anyone hunting you down if you didnt come to class, or punishing you for not doing your homework. You are on your own now and it's important to take that seriously. Nothing worthwhile comes easy in life. It's a time that you will find yourself and you will grow into your own person. Don't work too much, you may struggle; and probably won't be able to buy that cute purse you've been eyeing. Remember, your grades are more important than the size of your paycheck. Realize that getting into the nursing program isn't the hard part because once you make it in you can lose your spot in the blink of an eye if you don't take it seriously. Most importantly remember you can do it!
Think carefully about your major. When deciding what to do for the rest of your life, it should be about more than just money. Pick something you will enjoy, because switching majors is a waste of time and money. Research your options, and really think carefully.
I would have to give myself, start learning time management skills. When you get in college you will need to know how to balance everything that you put on your plate weather it be having a family and school. Or if it's school work and family. You need to have this key skill to have a successful college career. I would also have to go with a good study flow, you will learn that everyone is not on the right pace, so you have to find a way to study that's good for you. And never put things off at the last meet. I have learn not to do a paper at the last mintue and get a bad grade because i didn't make a rough draft in the begin with.
I would tell myself to go for any university/college I want to go to. Preferably a school where I could meet new interesting and diverse people. With so many diverse people here and there, I get to jump out of my own comfort zone and commuciate with confidence to stand up for myself whenever needed. It's a great opportunity for further education. Sky is the limit! With the knowledge earned I would be able to go back to my home and help in a way I could. Basically what I'm trying to say is that, un iversity/college is always huge term when it comes to a good quality of education, choice, cost ,convenience, career and character developement. But this shouldn't stop one from going to that dream school. We should be able to choose any college,that we have an interest in. College is very important as being said, and with college, comes knowledge, with knowledge, come great leaders who wil lead our country better in the future! College is a challenge given that I'm willing to take. It is a struggle today but a prize tomorrow...
Dear 18 year old Tjuana:
When seeking direction in life, ask god first, wait on the lord to help you along your path. Keep patience while focusing on goals, change never happens overnight. Dont be afraid to move forward with goals even if the picture isn't clear because life is filled with lessons no matter how much you fall, eventually everything works out when it suppose to happen. Don't be afraid to ask for help and make mistakes, you learn from people and mistakes. Before major decisions, pray about it and be confident in prayer and in faith. Always, surround yourself with motivating, loving, spirtual people who genuinely want the best for you. Life will never be easy, but its your commitment that will devlop perserverence.
If I would of known that it was going to take me this much to finish college I would of started college since I graduated from high school. It took me two years to start college. There were many reasons but the main ones was that I was working three jobs to save money for college. Second I did not want to go to college. Now Im twenty-five years old and, I regret not starting college right away. Another advice would be to go full time instead of part time.
I would tell myself that I should have applied myself more in high school. In my senior year of high school I was eager to be finished with school. I did attend a technical college for two years and did not finish. Knowing what I know now, I would have told myself to apply in a four year program and go for what I really wanted to go for in the first place. Now, ten years later, I can't help but think that I could have been done with school. I could have been excelling in my dream career. I could be living more comfortable at this point. I also would have told myself that it would have been an eaisier transition to go to a four year college right after high school instead of waiting ten years. I am capable of anything if I put my mind to it. Now that I have decided that this is my path, I have heavy obstacles in my way. I have a husband and two wonderful children which I wouldn't trade for the world. It makes going to college a definite challenge. I can achieve this goal.
The advice I would give to my past self would be that things will happen, and you may want to give up because you think you are not strong enough to handle them, but you are strong enough to handle anything. I say this because my mom has battled a brain tumor and breast cancer all in the last four years. I would tell myself that dealing with serious illnesses with someone so close to you will be extremely stressful, and it will set you back, but the moments you have with family and friends have to be cherished. Never lose sight of getting your degree. Although you will have to take time off to focus on your mom, no matter how long it takes, as long as you reach getting your degree you will have succeeded. You will experience so many new things and meet so many great people along the way that all your struggles will be worth it. Your mom beats the brain tumor and breast cancer, and things get better. Because of all this you will choose a healthcare major so you can help other families just like yours. I believe in you. Good luck!
As a high school senior, I had my life all planned out. I knew what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go before I even started my senior year. If I could go back and give myself advice, I would say, "Don't be afraid to speak up on the first day." In high school, I knew a lot of my classmates and teachers before the class started, so I was not shy at all. However, in college, I didn't know anybody in the majority of my classes, so I needed to make myself be heard and seen in order to help make my tiem in that course worthwhile.
Through all adversity, never give up because there is so much more to life than what you see in front of you. Dreams do come true, you just have to believe and work hard. Everything will be alright.