Sara, apply yourself in high school so that when you get to college you know what you want to be and are better equipped to handle tough classes. Try to get as much studying done as possible and get really good grades that can help you in the future. Go out for sports and other extra curricular activities so that you are a well rounded student who is able to apply for scholarships to help with the financial burden of school. Be smart when it comes to school and don't mess around.
Even if I had a chance to back to my past and make a choice again, I would do the same as I did. I would advice myself to go to college.
If I could go back in my high school senior year, I would advise myself not to lose any time, but go to college. I would not think about any working options, but I would look around and check the available colleges in my neighborhood. I would do some research and I will apply to at least few of them. In this way I will have better view of my options. After that I would apply for many scholarships. Also I will encourage myself no matter how hard the school could be, never to give up and to keep studying. I would advise myself to follow my goal even if it costs efforts, stress, long nights, skipping lunches to have time to study, and rising loans.
It is not very easy to be a student, but I feel so motivated to fulfill my school dream to have a good profession and to be able to provide good future for me and my family.
For the love of god, do not get married. Do not join the military. Go to the University of Washington and fill out the admissions paperwork. Tell the counselor at school you need remedial math. There's going to be something called the internet and you need to be involved in it. Get all the loans and grants you can and study computer science and minor it with an Asian foreign langauge. You CAN do this.
I would tell myself to look at school from a whole different perspective. I would also tell myself to not be nervous about going back to college, to be the confident person I had been in everything else I had done, and not doubted myself in my abilities. When I first went back to school, I was very nervous, there were a lot of people in my classes that were younger than me, and it took me until my second semester to really feel comfortable with going to school. That's when I was able to refind my voice, and let people get to know me. Once I did, many of the people in my classes were having the same feelings I was. It felt good to know I wasn't alone. I took that with me where ever I went, and when I graduated from my first college with my Associates degree in Human Services, I was more than ready to go on to a four year college. I no fears when I started.
I would tell myself to stay encouraged. No matter how hard it seems in college just stay focused and keep your head held high. Your parents, family and close friends are in your corner all you have to do is try your hardest and you'll make it. You have potential to be anything you want to be in this world, just go for it and strive for excellence and you'll acheive!
Going back and talking to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to really be focused. I would get a part time job and save my money because college is starting to get more expensive. I would tell myself to get more invovled in my community and start vounteerning because that plays a big role in your life, its always best to help others and your community out. I would also tell myself to get more invovled in my studying and start practicing time management at a earlier age because it is really important to be on time and organized. I would also tell my self to make sure I continue with my goals and never give up because there is nothing more important than having an college education, and a career to fall back on, and once your done with school no matter how long it takes it all pays off.
If i could go back in time to my senior year in high school iIwould tell my self to make sure that this is what I wanted to do,and get all my ducks in a row. To make sure i pick the right major an to get my study skills and note taking right. I would tell myself not to have kids entell I was done with college because its hard in college as it is but with children its harder. You have to fine a daycare or baby sitter and make sure you have a job to pay them. I would tell myself not to drop out of school at my senior because as you get older everything gets harder because thing change as you get older. I would tell myself not to wate tell I was 33 to get my high school diploma and 36 to go to college. I would tell myself that the sky is the limit and I can do any and everything. I would tell myself that my dreams can and will come true and don't let anyone tell me diffrent. I would also tell myself that I can do it.
I would tell myself to not focus as much on boys and having a "boyfriend." It is so important to just be focused on your school work. I feel as though I would have been even more prepared for college if I would have focused more. Also I would not have been lazy. At times, when one is in high school, lazyness tends to occur. But this is so bad. You just have to remember that you have working towards a goal, you are working towards your future, and this goal will keep you motivated.
Ok, next year is the big year. It’s the year you get to start your college education! A part of you is excited, but a little bit scared. Trust me, that is quite a normal feeling to have. There is a lot that comes with college the good, bad, and ugly. For everyone college is a different experience. However, no matter what your college experience turns out to be here is a piece of advice that anyone can follow so that it turns out great. Granted it is not always the easiest to follow but it will yield fruitful results with time. The advice is this, with every situation you need to ask, “Is this the best decision for me?” Follow that up by asking, “Is this decision going to benefit me in all areas of my life?”
This piece of advice is sometimes not what you will want to hear, but I guarantee you that it will keep you out of unnecessary trouble and consequences. So now that you have this new piece of advice go onto college and be the best you can be, and have some fun!
Learn time management and study skills. Don't be afraid to ask for help because there is usually someone who is willing to help. It's not as bad as it seems. Just relax and enjoy the ride.