If there was a possibility i could change time and inform myself about the transition, the first word of advise would be to save money, and be ready for the constant stress from multiple assignments and classes. I would inform myself about these matters because i was quite clueless, i thought this college scene was the same as high school, the first day of school, i already had homework.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior. I would tell myself to work more harder, take more classes and have fun. I would also tell myself to read more because they are many interesting books out there which help you improve in english. i would also tell myself to relax and don't stress out. I will also tell myself that collage isnt that bad and teachers and students are actually nicer then i thought. lastly i'll tell myself GOOD LUCK
I would tell my self to start saving money much earlier and to be more frugal with my purchases because college is very expensive. In highschool I did not realize that tuition was not the only expense and was amazed at how much my first set of textbooks would be. I would also tell myself to have a little more fun and get involved inhigh school instead or just working so hard on my schoolwork but at least I had a great GPA to show for it. The last thing I would tell myself would be to start looking for scholarships in highschool because I would be much better off now if i had.
If I can go back on time, the advise I will give to myself is to stay in school because it really makes a difference in the future.
SUSANA!!! You should go see your high school counselor. They will provide you with valuable information such as: financial aid, scholarships, college information, standardized tests( SAT and ACT) and tips on how to prepare for college and the transition. Have fun and do NOT stress out. COLLEGE is important and you should really think and prepare ahead of time. Deciding now will make you more confident on your decisions. Actually taking time to decide on your future will allow you time to actually PLAN out what you will do the following years after your graduation. Find out what you want from life, what you are passionate about , what you like/love to do. Don't be scared, deciding your future may be daunting!!! Do community service, volunteer at your local food bank or join a community service club. Not only will your community service look good on your scholarship applications but it will leave you feeling good about yourself. Helping others in the end will help you. You will have made friends and diversify your network. You will be surprised how much time you would have spent researching the endless possibilites that goes into preparing for college. & again HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
If i had the chance to go back to my high school in 2007, I wouldn't waste time with explaining the throughly complicated process that entails applying for secondary education, or even telling myself what eventually would happen and what i needed to do tho make those events transpire. I would simply walk up to myself, grab me by the shoulders and throttle myself and shout "Stop everything you are doing! Where you are now has no connection with where you will end up. The person you are today is not the person you will become. Just stop and enjoy these amazing years while they last because once they're gone there's nothing you can do to bring them back. What is supposed to happen will happen regardless of how you try to influence it. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride."
And then, to make the message perfectly clear, i would slap my extremely confused self hard in the face and walk away without so much as an explaination as to my presence there.
It is a time of amazing and overwhelming change as your high school career comes to an end. You are more ready than you realize for the next stage, though. Don't be afraid to jump in and enjoy the college expereince. Just like high school, you will probably only have this opportunity once. The transition is somewhat like the transition from elementary school to middle school. No one is going to hold your hand or tell you what to do, but there are so many people who will gladly help you if you ask.
As you pursue your college degree, remember that every class, every homework assignment and every late-night study session is a stepping stone leading to your future. Always keep your goals in mind, but enjoy each of the steps along the path to get there. You will do great!
With love~
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that college is the first step in providing a better life for me and my future family. It takes a lot of time and dedication, but knowing I can accomplish anything I set my mind to is the best feeling in the world. I would also tell myself that there will be a lot of setbacks as I?m pursuing my degree, but overcoming them makes me a better person and the reward of accomplishment that much sweeter.
If I could go back in time to my high school senior year, I would tell myself to not to be afraid to work in groups with new people. I would also tell myself to meet with my future college counselors just to obtain a better understanding of my future college and have a better college experience.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself during my senior year in high school I would tell myself to keep up the hard work. I would make sure I told myself that college is everything I hoped it would be and more. I would tell myself, "You've worked really hard to get to where you are today but don't stop now. College is no cake-walk. There are going to be people every step of the way trying to make you fail and the world is a lot bigger than Westwood High School's campus. You're going to be out of the group home soon and on your own, make sure your ready. Focus on school. Knowledge is the only thing that can't be taken from you. Oh, and start applying for scholarships now because college is excrutiatingly expensive and you can only make so much money waiting tables."