The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Germanna Community College is 100%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020 , _____ students were offered admission. The number of males who applied was _____ vs the number of females which was _____.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Given the chance to go back to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would let myself know some things to expect in college and to take my grades more seriously therefore making it easier for me to get accepted to college. I would tell myself to not worry about impressing my peers, but to impress the teachers with better study habbits and a progressive GPA. Though, I would not advise myself to change anything about my social personality and my life expectations. All my life I have have long term goals of becoming a lawyer and I knew that I had to getinto college if that could at all be possible. Although I did not know where to start, I was persistant enough to find out on my own. I am now in a two year college with the highest GPA I have ever had. Given the chance to tell myself a little about what to expect probably would.nt prepare me more than I am now, but the change my studying habbits in high school would have helped me in having more options and choices in preparing for college.
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Describe the students at your school.
The fellow students in my class are people just like myself. They have lives, families, and goals just like me.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
The small class sizes at Germanna are very good for beginning college student to get prepared for a 4 year university. Also the resources that Germanna provides for the student help the students learn as much as possible and succeed in class.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
A student at Germanna Community College should be outgoing and determined; without these two characteristics, a student may not survive at a college with so many different opportunities and people.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Germanna is a community college, so most people who go there are hoping to transfer somewhere else, usually to another Virginia state school, 27 of which have guaranteed admission agreements with Germanna. However, it's best known for its nursing program. Although this program only results in an associate's degree in nursing, it has a competitive admissions process and is well-respected, among the best in the state.
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What's unique about your campus?
The best thing about Germanna is that they have night classes for professional single parents. As a single parent working two jobs Germanna has classes that rotate around my schedule.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
Since I was one of the few people in my family to go to college I didn?t know much about the college when I started out. I was really confused about the online system that is used by professors at my school to communicate with the students. However what I really wished I had known more about before I came to college is the financial aid system. My advice to new college students know about the online programs your school uses and learn as much about financial aid as possible.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about Germanna Community College isn't exactly the school itself. I find that the only thing i cannot stand about attending this school, is being in the same classes with people who dont care about their education. College is not something you are forced to do, it is an option. It's for your own benefit. If you are going to come to class and waste not only your time, but your professor and classmates time as well, then save your money and stay home.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
A growing local college that is anticipating future needs with innovative programs in technology and health services.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
It is easy to pay for my classes.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
While I work and don't have much time for groups, the best way to I've found to connect with people is to find others who care about what they're doing just as much as you are, and with similar goals and aspirations. Taking classes within my major and meeting with people has allowed me to make fast friends with some of the smartest people I know. There is nothing better than coming to school and not feeling alone, and sharing the same struggles and interests with people who just get you.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Attending this community college has allowed me the opportunity to explore my interests and strengths, and to discover what really matters to me and what I enjoy. I've been able to grow as a person, while staying within my community and with my family.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
There really is no stereotype of students at Germanna; there is a great variety of people who attend classes here, from all over the region. Some come because they want to, others because they're just trying to find their way in life, a few because they have to. We all come from different social classes, upbringings, and have our own unique personalities. I think that's what makes a school a great and interesting place to be.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The Most fusterating thing about Germanna is hard to say. The only fusterating thing about going to germanna is that sometimes the counsolers give you a small amount of information. I would like them to be more informative.
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