Cornell University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Cornell University?


Ridiculously difficult. Professors interested in research.


Cornell is the hardest one to graduate from


Students study too hard and are extremely depressed about the difficulties of their classes.


Some stereotypes about Cornell and Cornell students are that we are very rich, preppy, they get what they want, and smart.


People either think that Cornell is very hard or that it's very easy. Also, everybody thinks that Cornellians are always really stressed out, and, depending on how hard they think Cornell is, it's merited or not.


Cornell is seen as very Long Island, and a lot of nerds


We are all really brainy and don't have fun. Or that we are suicidal and are going to throw ourselves off of the gorge


That all we do is work work work, everyone is miserable because the winters are so awful, no one is happy or ever has a good time.


The classes are extremely tough. Cornell students are always studying. The students at Cornell are the ones that couldn't get into Harvard or MIT.


They spend all day locked in their rooms studying.