I was raised to believe that after high school, it was my responsibility to go to college. Thanks to my high school, I knew what I wanted out of college and what I didn't want. I knew that I wanted the opposite of what my high school had offered--not in every aspect, just generally. I knew that I wanted to further my education as best as I could. If you are a student, and you know that you want more than what high school had to offer you, then you are already prepared to make the most out of your college experience.
For me personally, when I stepped onto Concordia's campus, I knew that it was my college because I could picture myself there. I had never had that feeling of certainty when visiting another college campus. I wanted a small, Christian campus community where I could focus on my school work, feel safe, and not be pressured by the type of people on that campus. This is the type of environment where I excel. When searching for a college, ask yourself, "Can I picture myself here at this college?" and, "In what environment would I excel?"
The advice that I would give parents and students tring to select the right college is to make sure that all options are explored before making a decision. Something that I wish that i would have done more in my college selection process is to look at more colleges. I did not know a lot of information and did not research any other colleges beyond Concordia and one or two other universities. It is good to also know what resources are available to you. is a very helpful website in finding a college. Also, calling and talking to representatives from each college can be helpful. In sum, my main advice is to not leave any stone unturned. You do not want to get into your college education and wonder if, perhaps, a wrong decision was made or some other college could be better. It is ok to have those thoughts, but better to avoid altogether. Also, make sure that good research is done on all of your potential college interests, and make sure that a lot of thoughtful time and consideration is done so as to not make a rush or rashed decision.
Finding the right college can seem difficult at first but once you visit a few you will get a better understanding of what you are looking for and what you want from a college. The best advice that I can give is to go with the one that you are most comfortable with. If you feel comfortable in the environment, you will be more outgoing and willing to try new things. Making the most of your college experience is important. Try to get involved with something that you have a passion for. If you can't find just one thing, try multiple things. Making an effort is the first step and from there the rest is history. College will go by fast so enjoy every minute of it. Stay on top of your studies so they don't stress you out too much and enjoy every free minute you can to the fullest. Cherish the opportunities that you have to make new friends because they will turn out to be life long friends.
Parents, the best thing you can do is offer your encouragement, support, and love for your child as they are on this amazing journey called life!
Find a school that fits the interests you have and a place where you feel at home. Look for a school that has friendly people that will come and show you around and tell you about the school.
Parents don't hover over your children. Let them make the choice that is right for them it can make a huge impact on the entire family. You never know the relationship between a student and a parent could grow stronger.
Finding a college that fits the needs of the student as well as the need for support is essential. Finding a campus that has the same on-campus everyday friendly atmosphere is important. Wherever one chooses to go, it should be comforting and refreshing to have the support of not only other students (whether they be friends or acquaintances), but also having the support of every member of faculty and staff on campus. The sense of belonging and the encouragement that one receives is worth every dollar. Each student is given the chance to find his/her own identity, but is lifted up and supported in every facet along the way. Each student is an individual, but also the student body as a whole must draw the student's abilities and strengths to the surface, helping the student achieve the best that he/she can. Finding a school that can help a student draw out the best is unique, but finding one that the student will love as well is nearly impossible and takes searching, but it is a task worth rising to meet.
If you're serisously considering a school, be sure to visit it during your senior year of high school to get a feel for the campus. Ask to meet with professors in the fields you're interested in pursuing so you can learn more about the department and what they have to offer. In college I was a diplomat and would take prospective students and their parents to lunch on campus after our tour. I was able to introduce them to my friends and other students so they could ask other people questions and learn more about my school. This really gave prospective students a chance to see how they would fit in and what current students thought of the school without hearing a script. Also, if you are seeking financial aid, apply early so you'll know funds are available. Once all the scholarships are gone for the year, they're gone.
Visiting at different times of year is important as well as looking at the class list and making sure that the college offers enough classes in the chosen area. Being organized is the best way to do well in classes and still get to have fun on the weekends. Let go of the insecurity and make new friends right away when everyone else is new too!
Visit anywhere you might be interested in and definitely make lots of new friends instead of keeping the same ones from home.
Do not be afraid to look at colleges outside of your comfort zone. If your college is on the other side of the country and outside of your budget range look at it anyway because you never know what doors could open up. Once you get to college join groups that look interesting, fun, or just offer free pizza every Thursday night if you come to the meetings. It is a great way to meet amazing people and have a good time. Be careful though to not be too overcommited or over scheduled. Leave plenty of "free time" so that it can be filled with the unplanned events that college life sometimes brings out like playing Wal-Mart tag at 2:00 AM. Expect the unexpected and keep your mind open as your approach your college years.
When you are looking for the right college one thing I would really suggest doing is visit the school while there are students there. While you are visiting sit in on classes, talk with both students and professors, and try to picture yourself there as a student the whole time.
To make the most of your college experience go to class and do the homework. If you do the professors are more likely to notice you. Also make some good friends with in you program, because those people are the ones who will be your "co-workers" after school, and you never know when you will need to fall back on them.