college is harder than high school. you will learn what it really means to study. your teachers here really care about you and want whats best for you.
I would tell myself that college is a lot harder than high school. Because college is so much harder I would ensure that I spent a lot more time studying and and working harder at my classes. It is very important to do well in college and so I would make sure that I studied often and studied very hard for all my assignments and tests.
Just enjoy the rest of you senior year and relax because college is very hectic but also very exciting and fun. When you come to college be prepared to be open to new possibilities and friends. You never know who will end up being your best friend or future roommate.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to take the college search more seriously. When I was in high school I put off my college search and avoided it and in results of that ended up at a community college for the past two years. Although I have saved money, I believe that my education may have been better suited at a 4-year SUNY school right off the bat. I think it is important to find a school that is right for you and to take the search very seriously. It is much easier to go to a school for four consecutive years somewhere you like and do well at than to have to transfer.
You are the master of your universe. Things will get better. Some people are just late bloomers. You may need to learn life lessons the hard way, but remember that in the end things turn out the way you want them to because you are ultimately in control of what happens in your life. Don't be the victim. Things won't be easy and the pay-off will feel like it is miles away but there is a pay-off and it is worth it. Remember that happiness comes in many forms. Don't get too stuck on the picture in your head. Your life will lead you to strange and amazing places; embrace them and choose to be happy.
The advice I would give to myself is to learn how to prioritize tasks and how to manage time wisely. College is a whole different anvironment than high school. Many people attended high school only because they "have to". For that reason, high school students are lot less serious about the studies. Especially during the senior year, many students are concerned of the relationships with friends but pay less attention to the preparation for the future. When starting college life, I then realized how much pressure I received from college level studies. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would stronly advice myself to sign up workshops which provide my informaiton on how to survive in college. These workshops can offer me advices on how to manage time (since I found there was never enough time for me to study), how to prioritize and also teach me how to stary physically and mentally healthy in order to handle the challenging works in college.
I would advise myself to focus on my studies. Improve time management to perform well on exams and assignments. Every minute counts, failure is another step towards success. Academics is more important than socializing. College is an confortable environment to learn and grow. Set goals and be persistence with long term learning.
I would tell myself to work as many jobs as possible in high school and save as much as possible. Don't eat out whenever you feel like it. Put some money in a high interest savings account. Take even more online college classes than I did. The more college classes you take in high school, the less General Eds you'll have to take in college.
College is a huge step in one's life. It requires flexibility, perseverance, and confidence. Thinking about making the transition from high school to college made me extremely anxious. I was totally unsure of what this experience would bring and how it would change my life. I would be moving away from home, leaving my friends and family behind, and starting a new life on my own. Now that I am in the midst of my second semester at college, I wish that I could have gone back and talked to myself while I was still in high school. I would assure "me" that college isn't so bad. There are many new transitions that must be made and sometimes it is really hard, but college provides one with so many amazing experiences one could never find anywhere else. It gave me the chance to grow into someone I never really knew I could be. I've made new friends, strengthened my faith, and grown into a stronger, more sure person. College is tough. It's a huge transition, but it's a transition I would never regret.
Today is your day.
You want to head to College!
To go off and away!
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
Consider budget and location for the college you choose.
Look through the college list. Check it over with care.
About some you will say, “I don’t choose to go there.”
With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet,
You’re smart you can pick the best college street.
Once you get there, you’ll find people to meet that are fun,
Students to talk with, game with, and things to be done,
You can hang in the lounges, or go out on the town,
They’re your best friends forever, you’ll love having them around.
Classes they’ll make you so smart and so bright,
But you might study all day and into the night.
Your teachers will teach you the road to success,
Read your books and make sure you pass all your tests.
The value of college and the experiences are great.
Enjoy every minute, some may even find their mate!
Will you succeed?
Work hard, yes indeed!
(99 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)