College of Charleston Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at College of Charleston?


Weird, Gothic, STD school, Party SChool, Surfers, "LIBRAL"- the types of people


Before I came to CofC, I really only thought of it as a party school. I went to high school nearby, and most of my classmates had the idea that our students weren't academically competative (I had one person tell me that if he came to CofC, he'd be the smartest person here). Because we're in Charleston, one of the most stereotypical Southern cities there is, a lot of people might have the idea that the school is also like that.


rich, preppy frat stars that just hang out at the beach and drink


Some stereotypes about CofC is that it is close to the beach and that CofC students are laid back.


Everyone is rich and preppy.


Party school, hippies, students have excessive amounts of money, beach bums, lacking in specific minorities, whiter than the Winter Olympics


Party school


Preppy/Hippy Smart out of state kids, dumb SC public school kids Liberal Arts students/Business students


Guys with boat shoes, khaki shorts who always have on a collared shirt or fraternity tshirt. Girls in lily pulizter, polos or vineyard vines with their jack rogers on their feet & pearls on their neck. Kids from wealthy new england and east coast prep schools.


Either hippie or Sperry-wearing-bright-colors-and-pearls-preppies