The environment of Brigham Young University is entirely different from any of the other schools I considered. Students and faculty here have a dedication towards moral cleanliness that was unparallelled at any other university I considered in my decision process. The availablity of activities organized by the school and the focus on extracurricular activities was also unique. As I considered schools, I realized that this was the only one that could give me both an abundance of fun and an environment in which I was comfortable as well as a challenging and motivating education.
The fact that Brigham Young University is a private university for those of the Mormon faith is enough to greatly separate it from any other instituion available to attend. Whether it be the praying before classes, calling your professors "brother" or "sister" before their surname, or the honor code which includes abstaining from premarital sex, drinking, and drugs, this is a unique opportunity for anyone looking for something outside of "the norm" of college. Many people may think that this idea of conservativism is a bad idea, however those attending BYU are some of the happiest you will ever meet.
I feel like the campus is very diverse. One semester I had more professors who weren't from the United States than professors who were.
The Honor Code is the most unique thing about BYU, it doesn't exist anywhere else but the other church of Latter-day Saint schools. Which makes a college experience at BYU completely different from any other school in the world.
BYU is a joyful campus. Though it has a large student body I feel as if I know a lot of the students I see on campus. Everyone shares similar standards and so I feel bonded to complete strangers. BYU is about lifelong learning and service. The campus is breathtakingly beautiful at every season and has any program that might interest you. I love BYU!
I feel that Brigham Young University is the best place for students to come if they want a safe enviornment that promotes morality. The school has an honor code that covers dress, appearance, conduct, and actions. Each of the professors and the administration are committed to the school's goals and it provides a great atmosphere to learn.
I think that BYU is a very culturally diverse university. Because it is founded by the LDS church it has the ability to bring different kinds of people from all over the world. The university creates an atmosphere where people from all sorts of backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultures can come together and form a team to accomplish a task. There is no other university in the world like this one. The people are accepting and friendly, the staff really cares about the success of the students, and the overall learning experience contains quality.
One of the greates learning environments you will ever incounter, even if you aren't LDS, this is a school which provides what you need to make it big, and is one of the best deals (financialy) in the world. GREAT education for an extremely low price in comparison to schools of similar status.
It's a little college with a big time feel.
This school is very religion based. It has wholesome values and is notoriously ranked as one of the most sober schools. The professors get to know students more than at other schools.