It is too small, with too many men. everyone knows each other and is completely segregated. the women on campus are not worth dating, go to BU for that.
Babson is a very diverse place. I was fortunate enough to go to boarding school before coming here but it still was a huge culture shock because of how many countries are represented here at babson. I do not have a hard time at all because I am very open to experiencing different things. The only bad part is that because it is diverse it is usually very cliquy.
-very international
-a lot of students get dressed up for class
-internationals and americans are friendly
-a lot of students come from well-off families
-students are politically aware
-yes students all want a least 6 figures after leaving here
Babson tries to be very diverse. If there is an organization that a student wants to start, they are more than welcome to. Students wear a variety of apparals in class. It is up to you to dress how you want to. Dining can be a bit tight because most students do have small groups since Babson is small. There are a variety of financial background among students. Some students come from very afluent backgrounds while others are on scholarship. It really doesn't have a big impact because normally people wouldn't talk about their finances.
The students at Babson are very job conscious, and are always focused on doing well so that they can get a good internship and job after college.
Babson loves Diversity, we have a lot of foreign students including me..I love being i Babson, people appreciate you for what you are, your unique talent is get a lot of opportunities to show your talent and be a part of student run organizations.
The Babson student body is extremely diverse. There are people here from all over the United States as well as hundreds of foreign countries. Students here tend to be somewhat wealthy and preppy, but not everyone. You will see the sports teams hanging out with their teammates, sororities with their sisters, frats with their brothes, different clubs hanging out with members, but you will also see everyone interacting. I am on the cheerleading team and in the sorority Chi Omega, but I have made friends with every sports team and people in all of the different sororities and fraternities. Also, you see students from every year hanging out together. As a freshman, I have several friends who are seniors which is something you do not see at a lot of big schools. The sense of community is unreal here. Everyone knows everyone and generally acts very friendly.
the average babson student is from the new england area, comes from a private school - lots of boarding schools, has a lot of money - a friend with a trust fund is common. drives an iller car than any professor, and maybe your dad. conservatives are in the majority. how much you make when you graduate is a topic of class and lunchtime conversation. people get uuber dressed up for class - if you're not in designer duds you're in the minority.
there is not a whole lot of diversity. babson works to bring in many different kinds of people, but the fact that this is a business specific school there is only so much that can be done.
A lot of international students and about 25 different languages spoken as you go into the library. All of the international kids drive fancy cars and live off campus and smoke. There is not much diversity in respect to how people dress or act. if you are from california it may take a while to adjust to the "uptightedness" of the Babson student. Most students do not wear sweats like most colleges. A lot of students come dressed nicely or business casual except the sports teams. Most ethnic groups tend to clique together and are always in groups ther is not much interactions socially between the different ethnicities. only for group projects. The pakistanis and indians are big rivals with the cricket matches but it is all friendly, and they are the most fun on campus to have around. Most students are from the new england area (mass, CT) Politics are not a big thing here at babson, but most i presume are conservative but there is not much action going on in regards to politics.
There is not a ton of socio-economic diversity on campus. The campus is fairly diverse with its politcal beliefs. Our strongest asset is our large international population (almost 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}).