Arizona State University-Tempe Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Arizona State University-Tempe?


I do not think there is anything frustrating in this university. I believe that the staff in this school is very knowledgeable and does everything they can to help the students. Specially my college, all my studio instrcutors have been very helpfull to me and my classmates giving up their times to meet outside the class time if the students have any questions or concerns. This has been the same way since my freshman year and I am glad I chose this great University.


The most frustrating thing about this school is getting the classes you want in the times you want. There are too many people here, so registration is a pain.


It gets hot every now and then.


Spread out over a big area


It is impossible to become a resident for lower tuition costs. Even though I have been living in Tempe, Az for 4 years, I am not considered a resident because my parents try to help me pay for school.


A lot of people run into people on bikes and skateboards.


I am frustrated with the school because the attitude on campus is that school does not matter. They treat it is a penance they have to go through in order to get their parents to essentially pay for them to go out and drink.


The most frusturating thing about Arizona State is the class sizes. Most of the business classes and freshman level classes are huge. I know a friend who had over 500 students in his sociology 101 class and that is just way to much. Their should be more professors to limit the amount of students in each class.


A lot of times it is very hard to get ASU to care about you as the student. Often times I feel like a business transaction and in the past few years I strongly feel that ASU President, Michael Crow, is taking Arizona State from being a highlight university with an AMAZING student life and trying to take away all that is student life. Restirctions on football tailgating, greek life, and other student organizations and athletic programs is making the desire to go to asu (from students who want the WHOLE experience) lesser.


My school is trying to make a name for itself as a research college, and I feel that some of the other facets are getting shoved aside. There are also many very expensive things such as parking and tuition itself that just seem to keep going up without any change in quality.