Campus Life

Who has time for a life?


Penn State Sports: For the Glory of Old State

Penn State students are always pumped up for a game, whether it is football, volleyball or another one of our varsity offerings. Our sports programs show our pride and bring unity to the student body.

Let’s Go Blue: Athletics at the University of Michigan

When it comes to college sports, the University of Michigan can be thought of as the country’s quintessential athletic program. And rightfully so; Michigan Wolverine history is rooted in what makes college sports so entertaining— true school spiri [...]

Dartmouth Sports: Go Big Green

Sports at Dartmouth are a crucial past time; in fact it might even be considered a lifestyle. Many students on campus are passionate about sports, often spending all four years at Dartmouth as student-athlete. Not only is it just a form of exercis [...]

UNL Lacrosse Draws Crowds Who Are Looking For Something New

Here at UNL, students seem to have a one-track sports mind – they are always thinking about football. But students who have branched out and started exploring the other sports at Lincoln will tell you it is well worth it. For instance, lacrosse is [...]

Intramural Sport at Tulane: Ping Pong gains more popularity

Tulane offers a club and intramural sport for every type of student. From rowing, with its grueling workouts and 5:30 a.m. wakeups, to rugby, where bruises are badges of honor, to ping pong, where intensity ranges from friendly to fierce. Sports a [...]

Gator’s Homecoming Has Fans Bleeding Orange and Blue

The chanting of University of Florida students could be heard miles away as their school spirit overpowered their need to have their voices the next morning. Homecoming week had arrived at UF and nothing was getting in the way of school spirit. [...]

Top 10 Things to Know About UMass Sports!

A list of things you might not know about Umass Sports.