By Jessica Brown
Unigo Campus Rep at UMass Amherst
Nov. 7, 2008
10. After a touchdown, be ready for: as many high kicks from the dance team as there are UMass points, push-ups from the cheerleaders, and three BANGS from the mini-canon-firing squad.
9. Between periods at hockey games, prepare to shake your booty.
8. Get ready to learn the cheers! This is a MUST for hockey games…you’ll see.
7. Speaking of cheers, be ready to diss the other team—profanities encouraged.
6. After a hockey game, you may experience voice-loss.
5. Football, hockey, basketball…do other sports exist?
4. If we make it to a big game, beware: there will be riots after the game win or lose.
3. Watch for special games, like the Homecoming football game—the first fans to the stadium get free t-shirts!
2. While in the crowd, look for Sam—he will find you. And take a picture with him while you’re at it!